Dogfight over Musutafu

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Izuku walked with Eri still on his shoulders, the small girl basking in the warm atmosphere of the lively streets as they made their way to a hotel they could afford to spend the night in. Izuku wasn't fond of crossing this place, especially with Eri on his shoulders, but it was the best outcome considering their current situation. He hoped Eri wouldn't catch onto the skimpier style of dress that the women wore here.

The teen gazed left and right, inspecting every Bar, Restaurant, and Hotel he could see. Unfortunately, most were out of his budget for now; what little money he had left couldn't buy a night in these establishments more focused on tourists. So he continued to walk in the lively street, finally seeing places they could afford. He chose not to be picky and entered the first one; Eri was starting to get tired and needed a bed as soon as possible.

"One room, please." He said, the older man at the reception barely raising his eyes from the magazine he was reading as he mechanically took a key out from the box, handing it to the young man. Izuku nodded and went up the stair to the third floor, finding his room based on the number written on the key.

Izuku was surprised but how neat the room was. Yes, it was nowhere near what he had at UA, but it was more than sufficient for a cheap hotel room. A decently sized bed, a small table with a TV on top, a closet... There was a bit of dust, but nothing he or Eri couldn't overcome. He tucked the small girl in with great care, and her eyes drifted close as he gently laid the warm blanket on her. He gently caressed the top of her head with his warm hand, soothing her to sleep.

The green-haired man took off his fireproof shirt and lay next to Eri, his hands under his neck and eyes glaring a hole into the ceiling. He sighed and closed his eyes to think, planning his next moves in this second shot at life. An easy first would be to kill All for One as soon as possible, clearing out an evil mastermind and the threat of Nomus and Gigantomachia with a single strike. But he wasn't easy to find, even more so now since he didn't have the wound on his face courtesy of All Might.

Next would be Tomura Shigaraki. As much as Izuku hated this man for all he did to him and Musutafu, he knew that Shigaraki was just a puppet in All for One's plot. His strings were looser because the mastermind needed a second body should things go south. His hero instinct screamed at the green-haired man that he needed saving and that a hero doesn't protect people who deserve it but people who need it. That and his quirk could be incredibly powerful if used to save people instead of fueling the whims of a manchild.

This would already be enough changes, as killing All for One before All Might would injure himself would completely change the future of Japan as a whole, including his. Of course, it was a risky gamble, as Izuku's advantage only existed in his knowledge of how events would unfold if he didn't do anything for the next 20 years. But it was also worth it; many lives would be saved if that man disappeared for good.

"But how do I find that bastard..." Izuku asked himself, turning his head to turn the light off. The only knowledge of All for One's location in the future was his imminent fight with All Might, and he would need to do something earlier than that if he wanted the best outcome possible. That man would have already amassed countless powerful quirks, and Tomura would be in his grasp, so Izuku couldn't afford to lose time. He would find that criminal if it killed him.

But first, he needed to get stronger. His quirk might be incredible, but it would be a gamble to go alone against a man that killed almost all the former users of one for all. Helios was a perfect tool for the job, but even the mightiest sword cannot be of any use in the hands of a beginner. He would sharpen his skill to their utmost limit, bring them to new heights and kill the mastermind with his own hands. But for now, he needed to rest.


Izuku turned into the bed restlessly, trying to find any position he could fall asleep in. As hard as he tried to be tired and finally get some shut-eye next to Eri, his mind was still fully awake and seemingly unbothered by the fact he hadn't slept a whole night in a week. This problem wasn't exactly new for the time-traveling hero; he had had insomnia for more than a month now. Doctors were incapable of explaining why he was having such a hard time resting, nor why he didn't suffer from any drawbacks from being awake for a week with less than four hours of sleep. It just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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