Chapter 3 «sorrys»

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After Ozzy cut you and ran off to the opposite way you found your self next to the happy fun room you where about to go inside but stoped you're self and started leaning on the wall thinking how you should of listen to you're friend but you didn't you started regretting even coming here.

Ozzy's POV: (didn't expect this didn't ya?)

I felt really guilty for cutting y/n I looked up and saw Willy looking at me confused "hey Ozzy what has gotten in to ya?" I shook my head and said nothing I walked off stage and into the small art room 'I should make them something for a sorry! Also should I tell the gang there hear? You know what nah I'm going to let it be a surprise heh' I walked over to the paper crayons and pencils and relished this is going to be a problem because I don't have hands I shrugged with my wings and Hold the paper with my wings to make it stay in place while I use my beak to draw when I was finished I folded it into a small card it kinda looked messy but ya can't blame me I DON'T HAVE HANDS! I figured y/n was still in the hallway so I walked to the hallway and saw them leaning against the happy fun room door they looked up terrified I started walking near Them but..


THEY SHUT THE DOOR IN MY FACE! I sighed and slid the paper underneath the door.

Y/n POV:

I shut the door right when Ozzy was coming near me I didn't know if I should still see him as a friend or a killer I was about to walk away from the door but he slid a card under the door and I took it and read the card as it said how he was sorry and he didn't mean to hurt me and he didn't know it was me I looked at the other side as it had a messy drawing and I thought it was cute and impressive for a animatronic that has a sharp beak with no hands to write this I put the card in my side pocket and slowly and carefully open the door when I did Ozzy was walking away but he heard me opening the door and looked at me in silents I decide to break the silents and spoke up "I forgive you Ozzy" I said with a smile he looked at me happy and hugged me with his wings and walked back the the stage saying that I should speak with the others soon.

Ozzys pov: IM SO HAPPY they forgave me of geez I forgot how long it's been when saying sorry but that doesn't matter all that matters is that they forgave me! I happily walked to the stage I looked at silly and the rest of my friends and thought they where in for a big surprise I sat there about to fall asleep but again I couldn't because of my excitement.

End if chapter 3 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


Edited(?) Yes

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