Chapter 4

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I look up to see him sitting on a couch with his head in his hands. As if he felt my eyes on him he looks up. I flinch back when I notice there red. He sighs and his eyes slowly turn back to an icy blue. The room had gotten quite and I notice everyone was gone, except for him. I sniffle and crawls backwards into a corner. He sighs again and slowly walks towards me. I whimper and try to crawl away into the wall, wishing Kyle hadn't left. He stops walking and than suddenly appears in front of me, covering my mouth as if he knew I was gonna scream. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise Melody. Please give me a chance. I lost control, I would never hurt you. Please don't be scared of me." He says, tears flooding his eyes. I sniffle and try to move his hand, he removes his hand and looks at me pleadingly. I nod and lay me head on his chest, feeling safe for once in another mans arms, even if I did think he was about to kill me. He wipes his eyes and picks me up, bringing me to a kitchen, setting me on a stool. "What would you like to eat?" He says gently. I shrug, not knowing what I was allowed to have. Kyle usually snuck food for me that slaves weren't allowed to eat. "You can have anything." He says. "Just some bread and water." I whisper, not thinking he heard me. He looks at me quickly, worry and anger in his eyes. Thinking the anger was directed at me I whimpered and changed my answer quickly, wishing it was Kyle who had asked, he could get me anything; he once got me a blueberry pancake. "I... N-nothing. I d-don't want a-anyth-thing." Looking down as I say my answer, not wanting to anger him anymore. Tears come to my eyes as I realize I won't be able to eat, I haven't eaten for about 2 weeks because Kyle was out on business so I was getting thin quickly and getting sicker with every passing hour. During my thoughts I hadn't noticed that he had come closer to my face until he said my name. I scream and fall out of my seat, crawling away from him as he gets closer. A girl, who I'm now guessing is Sarah and Kyle's mate, ran in and saw that I was, again, in a corner crying while the man was just 5feet away from me. She scowls at the man and looks at me with soft eyes. "Andrew, leave." 'So his name is Andrew?' I think to myself. She says looking back at him. He growls at her, scarring me more. "You don't tell me what to do Sarah, I am the king and you don't control me!!" He yells at her, causing me to whimper and cry harder. He looks at me, his eyes softening quickly. I swallow and look away. The girl comes over to me carefully, bringing me to her like a child. Sitting on the floor with me. He sighs and leaves the room. I sniffle. "Are you Melody?" She asks looking at me. I nod, not wanting to get hit. "I'm not going to hurt you, neither is Andrew, he just has anger issues." She says smiling. I nod and look at the cabinet that has food in it, chips and cookies to be exact. My stomach growls and my eyes go wide, thinking that I was going to get hit for showing my hunger. She laughs and stands up, helping me sit back down. She goes to a refrigerator and grabs out a jar of mayonnaise, a small bag of turkey, another small bag but this bag has cheese and goes to another cabinet on the wall and grabs some bread. 'Yes, bread.' I think, smiling slightly on the outside. She quickly puts everything together and hands it to me. "I hope you like sandwiches. And mine are the best." She winks, making me laugh quietly. She squeals and jumps up and down. I smile slightly and pick up the sandwich with caution. I take a big bite out of it and start eating it quickly. When I was done I looked at Sarah and she was looking at me in amusement. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up." She say, grabbing my arm and dragging me down a bunch of hallways to a bathroom.

"Theirs some watermelon soap and towels in this cabinet. Just call my name if you need anything. I'll bring clothes in in a minutes. Brb." She says turning the water on to a warm temperature. I undress and get in, is use the soaps on my hair and body while getting all the dirt off of me. I step out and dry myself off with a blue towel with a green rim. I notice that there's no clothes and that my old ones are gone. I sigh and step out of the bathroom. I wrap the towel tighter around me and walk down the hallway, calling for Sarah. "Sarah?" I call quietly. "Melody." I hear a mans voice say, the same man who chased me... Andrew. I turn around quickly and hug the towel tighter to me. I whimper and back up. "Stop." He says. I freeze, not wanting for him to hit me. He walks over quickly and wraps me in his arms. "I'm so sorry, Mel. I never wanted to scare you." I don't move as he hugs me. "Andrew!" A squeaky calls. He let's go of me and shoves me into the room next to us. The bathroom light is on and I notice Kyle's shirt on the bed. "Stay quiet. Don't make a sound." He whispers, a regretful look in his eyes. "Amelia. It's good to see you again." He says.

I hear him grunt and jump when there's a bang on the wall. "I missed you baby! Why didn't you text me?" 'Amelia' squeals. "I was busy..." Then everything went quite. I let out a breathe and walk towards the door but am stopped by Kyle opening the bathroom door at the same time, I'm hit by the other one as it opens and the light turns on. I squint my eyes at the sudden brightness. "Andrew! Who is this?!?" I hear a girl squeal as I stay on the ground, holding the towel close to my body. I look up to Kyle and see him not there anymore. I feel his hands grab my waist and lift me up to my feet before he answers her. "She's my ... Slave. My new slave." Andrew says, quickly letting go of me and shoving me back to the ground. Tears come to my eyes as I hit the ground, thinking that he had lied and was going to soon kill me and probably Kyle. I stand up and run out of the room, running into Sarah in another hallway, tears running down my face. "What happened?" She asks as she grabs my arm and drags me to a pink room and handing me a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. "H-he shoved me to the g-ground." I whisper, hiccuping. She clenches her teeth and looks at me. "Was there another girl near him?" She asks, looking ready to run out the door. I nod and look down, doing that the man taught me. She stomps out the room and I hear her run down the hallway and then there was yelling and screaming. I couldn't understand one word said but I made out my name, quite a few times. I tear up and crawl to a corner, hoping I would die there. But the door opens again and I see Kyle before I fall asleep.

-Andrews POV-

"Sarah?" I hear Melody whisper. "Melody." I say as I walk towards her from behind. She whimpers and backs up, holding a towel around her body. "Stop." I say, watching her freeze. I walk up to her and wrap her in a hug. "I'm sorry, Mel. I never wanted to hurt you." I whisper, hoping she would move to try to hug me. "Andrew!" A squeaky calls. I let go of her and shove her into the room next to us, knowing it was her brothers room. "Stay quiet. Don't make a sound." I whisper, regret in my eyes. "Amelia. It's good to see you again." I say. She jumps on top of me, wrapping herself around me. "I missed you baby! Why didn't you text me?" Amelia squeals. "I was busy..." I couldn't finish before she had her lips locked with mine. I hear Melody let out a breathe and hear her walk towards the door but I can't stop Amelie before she opens it and turns the light turns on. I watch Melody squint my eyes at the sudden brightness. "Andrew! Who is this?!?" Amelia squeals as Melody stays on the ground, holding the towel close to her body. I grab her waist and lift her up on her feet before i answer her. "She's my ... Slave. My new slave." I say quickly letting go of her and shoving her back to the ground. I couldn't let my father know I found my mate, especially a human mate. I watch in sadness as she runs out the room. "Who was she, Andrew? Your supposed to be MY mate and being with me, not fooling around with a slave." Amelia growls, as Kyle walks out of his closet. "You mating her?" He asks as he walks closer, only to be stopped by Sarah, my sister, jumping in front of him and telling him to go check on Melody. He nods and glares at me before walking out. I sigh and sit on a chair. "What the hell!!" Sarah yells at me. "You shoved Melody to the ground?!? I thought you would've liked to know Melody! She's sweet!! And you scare her!! Who does that to their ma..." I jump up and cover her mouth. Glaring at her to shut up. Her eyes go wide. She points at Amelia and then points downstairs. "Yes and no. He can't know." She nods. I uncover her mouth and she punches Amelia in the face. "Fucking bitch." And walks out. I laugh and follow her, leaving and fiery Amelia behind. We walk to her room and find a sleeping Melody and Kyle on her bed, covered in her thick blankets. She smiles and walks over to them, kissing Kyle's forehead.

My book will have slow updates as I write more. This was the rest that I had already written. Thank you for reading and I will be putting more books up.

Voting for who plays Andrew will be my next update. Thank you. For now, here's a picture of a hot male. Guess his name, he will not be a contestant for Andrew. And a random video.

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