Chapter 10: Y/N and Eugene in "Peril on the High Seas"

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Warning: Slight mention of blood near the end


The day had arrived! The ferry had arrived! You were all excited to get off this island. You explained the situation to the captain and he allowed you to put the caravan on the ferry. "I'm so glad the ferry's here so we can finally get off this island," Rapunzel told Eugene. "And when we finally get back on land we'll have a brand new set of wheels."

"Yep. It took six weeks of back-breaking work, but here we are," Lance said after he and Hook Foot got the caravan onto the ferry. "Yeah, of course, four of those weeks were spent ensuring all the specifications were up to Corona Transport Code. Thank you very much, Max," Eugene said sarcastically.

You came out from underneath the caravan, "Hey, it could've taken longer if you didn't have me here." You had your goggles on and there was grease all over your face. "What were you even doing under there?" Eugene asked. You placed your goggles on top of your head. "I just made some adjustments. If we are in a dilemma, which will definitely happen. I made it possible to split the caravan in half," You said with a smile.

You looked at Rapunzel who was giving you a strange look. "What?" She walked towards you, "It's just nice not having you being mean to us and for you to call us your friends again." You looked up at her, "I think it's nice too."

"Look at it, good as new," Hook Foot said while hitting the wheel with his metal foot. His hook got stuck and when he pulled it out part of the wheel broke. The entire wheel broke causing the caravan to tilt to the corner. "You should've used your-" Hook Foot interrupted Eugene. "My other foot. Yeah, I know." 

Alfon walked past laughing, "Stupid, Stupid Frienfloofers." They walked in front of you. "Except for this one. They have great intelligence."


On the ferry, you were talking with Cassandra and Rapunzel. Raps told you about the candles that the captain uses to draw the firefly away and that he has a fear of lizards. You were laughing at the last statement. 

It was almost time for dinner so you went to find Eugene and call him over. You were hoping you two could become friends again, and maybe fix Team Awsome. "Dinner's almost ready," You said. "Ok, I'll be down in a minute," He responded. 

You both looked at the island that was slowly getting further and further away. "You know Y/N, there was a time when I really wanted to own an island just like that." You smiled at him, hoping this would be the start of fixing your friendship. "But now that I've lived there, I think I want a better one." You giggled.

Eugene looked at the board and saw a wanted poster of him. "Hey, would you look at that? It's one of my very first wanted posters. I've been looking for one of these to put in the old scrapbook." You looked at the poster and started laughing. "What's so funny."

"I was just thinking about the day we met. Varian and I thought you were the real Flynn Rider from the books, we were so excited to meet you. We even showed you our shrine." You both started laughing. Eugene leaned against the railing, and you saw a sign that said not to do the exact thing he was doing.

"Hey, the sign says not to lean on the railing. We should probably listen to it," You said. It was silent for a few moments until you both started laughing. You started leaning on the rail and looking at the ocean. You both put too much pressure on it causing it to break, and you both fell into the water.

You both saw Shorty on deck so you called out to him. "Hey! Hey! A little help here!" Eugene yelled. "What's that yam?" Shorty asked. "Help!" You screamed. "Oh, I will help myself." Shorty ate the yam and started walking away. "No! No. no. no, stop! We're down here in the water!" Eugene yelled. The ferry started sailing further away. 

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