Chapter 1

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Friday 25th August 1995

One week until we go back to school for our seventh year.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone but not looking forward to seeing certain teachers again, specifically Professor Snape who sets unnecessary amounts of homework with impossible grade boundaries. I'm also feeling sad about it being my last year at Hogwarts it all happened so quickly and I'm beginning to feel as though I took it all for granted so I'm going to make sure this year is amazing.

I should probably tell you more about myself. My names Cecilia Anderson but I would prefer if you didn't call me Cecilia it makes me uncomfortable so just call me Cece. My mum is named Orlaith Anderson, was Lupin, and my dad is Albert Anderson, a muggle, but we just call him Albie. Like I previously said I'm going into my seventh year at Hogwarts, terrifying, thankfully I'm not doing it alone as I'll have my two best friends with me, Birdie Weasley and James Pugh. Birdie comes from a big family she has like a hundred cousins. Well, that's an exaggeration it's only 7 but to me, that's loads I don't have any my Uncle Remus has a condition that sort of prevents him from having children or at least that's just what he tells people when they ask why he hasn't started a family yet but I'll let you in on a little secret, he's a fucking werewolf, I know! I don't think that means he can't physically have children I just think he's choosing not to I think he's scared he'll pass on the werewolf gene to his child although I'm also pretty sure that's not how that works but I understand.

Anyways, enough about my family, back to my friends. Birdie is a Gryffindor, understandably considering she's the bravest person I've ever met. We've been best friends since the first year and she's stuck by me ever since. Now onto James the man that completes our trio it would not be the same without him. He's a muggle-born but knew much more about magic than me or Birdie on our first day of school and therefore he's been my personal tutor ever since. Considering he's top of all our classes I'm sure the fact he's a Ravenclaw won't come as surprise, a bunch of smart asses. Birdie and I met James in our first Defence against dark arts lessons when knowing it all James corrected my answer to a question I thought it was the funniest shit ever and so did Birdie but James not so much, he started crying and we were sent out of the classroom to talk about what had happened like 'the young adults' we were. Looking back at it Birdie and I were assholes we continued to pester James even when we were supposed to be apologising but he grew on us and soon we were together all the time and right now we're all sitting in James bedroom laughing to the point where it hurts.

"you know what we should try this year?" Birdie asks looking away from a teen magazine with Leonardo Dicaprio plastered across the pages.

"drugs?" I say jokingly,

"exactly." she smiled. My face froze, I wasn't being serious. I looked over at James who's jaw had dropped, he kicked his leg out in shock and knocked over a glass of coke fuck he muttered as he slowly turned around to look at the mess he had made he got up and grabbed a towel from off of his chair to mop it up.

"have you lost your mind?" he said to Birdie as he soaked up the spilt coke off of his wooden floor.

"Well, let's just say Weasleys Wizard Wheezes aren't the only thing Fred and George are selling this year." she continued to smirk as if the thing she had just suggested was normal.

"you're kidding," I said in disbelief. She simply laughed.

"merlin. you should see your faces it's just weed not like it's some hard drug, come on, it's perfectly legal in the wizarding world." she dragged out then at the end of on. "it'll be fun and I could get a family discount."

I looked over at James, who was still kneeling down on his floor cleaning up the mess, to see if his face showed any reaction besides shock at the idea. Unfortunately, he was looking right back at me likely searching for the same thing. I shrugged my shoulders at him, I guess it isn't a terrible idea.

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