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Chapter Two

"Fear can do one of two things. Shut you down, or wake you up."


The anger I felt at the sight of a suitcase being propped open on my bed when I woke up was so strong, I nearly pushed Niall out of the way.

"What the fuck do you mean I need to come with you?" I hissed. I was already storming forward, grabbing the tank top he'd been holding out of his hands.

The gangster pouted. "Hey! Do you know how long it took me to fold that right?"

I glared at him. "Niall. Explain, now."

He sighed, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Harry thinks someone put a hit out on you. The motorcycle thing could have been written off as an accident if you hadn't almost been poisoned like, two days after. But two near-death experiences in a row isn't a coincidence. So he wants you to come stay with us, at least until we can figure out what's going on."

"I keep telling you, no one wants to kill me," I said tiredly. I rubbed my forehead, already exhausted despite having just woken up moments ago. "And why the fuck does Harry care if I live or die, anyway?"

Niall shrugged. "He doesn't. It just rubs him the wrong way that they're coming after you right after you met all of us. He thinks it could be related to the Crows somehow."

"No one in their right mind would kill a random biology student in an attempt to get back at the leader of Manhattan's biggest gang," I argued, tossing the tank top onto the bed. "I'm sorry, but I'm not coming with you. I have an exam tomorrow."

Niall bit his lip, gaze apologetic. "Rory, come on. Please don't make this harder for me. We're friends, right?"

I gave him an unimpressed look. "That's not what I'd call us."

A pout, before his expression grew serious. "Well, I would. And as your friend, I'm telling you. If I don't bring you back with me, Harry is just going to send someone else to come get you. And they're not going to be as nice at me."

My blood ran cold at the obvious intent behind the statement, goosebumps rising on my arms. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, chewing it aimlessly as I surveyed the mass of clothes strewn across the room.

"Can I at least take my exam first?" I asked helplessly.

Niall grinned. "Yes! We can go right after. When is it?"

I glanced at my phone, nearly vomiting at the sight of the time. "Fuck. It's at eight, so in an hour." I sighed. "Not much time to pack. How much stuff should I bring? How long do you think he's going to keep me there?"

"Who knows?" Niall was texting, likely confirming I'd agreed to come without any issues. "Could be a few days. Could be longer."

"That's very helpful, Niall, thank you," I said dryly. In the end, I settled for a few pairs of pajamas, long-sleeved tees, and sweatpants. It wasn't like I planned on leaving the house often unless it was for class.

Satisfied, I zipped up the suitcase and briefly felt around my neck for the pendant I always wore.

It was my favorite piece of jewelry. The only gift my dad had ever given me, and I hadn't taken it off since I was thirteen. It was definitely a source of comfort, and I touched it then to give myself some reassurance.

Things would be fine. I was going to ace my exam, and then spend a few days at a stranger's house like the world's weirdest sleepover, and then my life could finally go back to normal.

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