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safe word: f.ex. jumanji, i'm out, cya bella cya cya cya, supercalifragilisticexpealidocious...

i can't forget my safe word

*character* doesn't exist.

1 hour in my current reality is 1 week in my desired reality
time freezes when you leave your DR

my clone can't die
my clone will be safe
my clone will be asleep when i'm in my DR

< if you want something to be changed in the original story line? write it down.>
endgame: when Tony snapped, everyone with the power to absorb things started absorbing the snap, making it happen but also making sure that Tony would still live after the snap.
ragnarok: loki made it out alive; how?

‼️ remember: you can just pick a few or none at all. do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

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