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Hey guys
I know it's been a while since I last updated but I'm back I try to make it more often... anyways that's Michael Anderson (Chris' beta). You'll find out more about him when you read this chapter...ok enough talking enjoy 😌😌😌

Crystal's pov

Well that was fun. You know that feeling you get when you best someone? I just felt it and it felt good.
Well now what school is closed for a while and I can't shift into my wolf cause I bet there guards in the forest. And they'll try to capture me and take me to their alpha of who I plan on not meeting.
I guess I can check this place out. Or atleast find a descent place to relax from apart from the mall. Maybe a clearing in the forest where I can be training from, atleast until the day I leave this place. But for now to the Starbucks.

Outside Starbucks
Now that's a lunch I won't forget. Time to head home Momma needs a nap. Then all of a sudden I smelt the most delicious and mouth watering sent. It smelt like The forest in the early morning fresh from raining.
Mum has told me all about mates. You smell an amazing scent and then you see each other and then the mate bond comes making you fall stupidly in love with your mate. So much that you can't stand being away from each other.

But I'm not ready to be bound to someone for the rest of my life. And so, I do the only thing I can do.... run home and not look back.

Chris' pov

Work at the pack has been getting more and more stressful. So I decided to go for a run. I let Seth take full control while I try and figure out who the hell Crystal Swan is. I finally took control and realised that we where right behind Starbucks. That's when I smelt the most delicious and mouth watering scent. It smelt like chocolate custard fresh from being cooked.


I quickly shifted back and looked for some clothes in the trees. I ran quickly to where the scent was but once  I was there she wasn't.
I don't get it. She was right here a few moments ago. Why would she runaway from me? I've waited for her for a long time and now that I have She's not with me.

'Alpha'  one of my guards was talking to me through the pack link.
'Xander knows something about the Crystal girl.'
'Am on my way' soon, I'll find you my mate.

At the pack house

"Xander, what do you know about Crystal?"
"Well she's the niece to the royal doctor. She's 18, turning 19 soon. Bossy bitch and she got guts. She tall, hot and she got this power emitting from...."
We are not getting anywhere with this. I was about to tell him to stop talking until he said...
".....oh and she's a gamma to be from the black moon pack."
"Did you just say that I have a gamma from another pack on my territory?" I made a low yet dangerous growl that made everyone in the room bow their heads in submission.
"Tell them that we are having dinner tomorrow night with them to 'welcome' our visitor. And I'm not taking a refusal for my request."
And with that I dismissed everyone. Well everyone except my beta. To think for once he'd listen to me.  Michael Anderson is the strongest beta in the whole lot Arizona. Specialises in taekwondo. He also specialises in annoying me. Non the less is the best beta one can have.

"What do you need Michael?"
"Just wondering, what will you do to her?"
"Obviously get answers out of her one way or another."
"Ok now for the real reason I stayed behind, what happened before you got back? You are more stressed than usual."


"What happened?"
"Fine, I found my mate but didn't find her.... it's complicated."
"How can you find but not find someone?"

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