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Seungmin walked a bit farther from where he, Felix and Jeongin were just now, to get more privacy.

He dialed the number and put his phone close to his ear.

"Seungmin? You finally answer me! I've called you like 100 times."

"Don't act dumb Ryujin.. you called me only once. Anyways, what's up?"

"Aish.. just asking by the way, do you know a Hwang Hyanjin? Hyunjae? I don't remember his name.. but anyways,"

"You mean Hwang Hyunjin, the newbie? Yeah I know him, why?"

"That's his name! Yeah, I need you to tell him that our parents are meeting us later. If you have the time to, of course."

"Yeah I can, we're roommates anyways."

"Really?! What's he like? I need to  know the person I'll-possibly-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-with's personality and stuff"

"Excuse me.. elaborate? Please?"

"Nah, I'll tell you later. You can tell me that later too, okay?"

"Hm.. alright."

"Okay! Remember to tell Hyunjin alright? See you~"

"See ya."

Seungmin ended the call, then proceeded to walk back to his dorm to inform Hyunjin about the parents thing.

What does that girl mean by 'person I'll possibly spend the rest of my life with'.. Seungmin thought.

Oh my god, does she like Hyunjin?! Please no, why is everyone falling for him.. he has the qualities of a fucking pig.

Hold on..

Isn't Ryujin a lesbian though?

He reached his dorm, unlocked the door with his keycard and entered the room.

What. The. Fuck.

"Oh, Seungmin. You're back so early?" Hyunjin said in a cocky manner.

Seungmin grabbed the nearest book and threw it at Hyunjin, hitting his chest.

"Why would you do What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Seungmin shouted.

There, all his important papers which were arranged accordingly, were scattered everywhere on the floor.

Not only that, all of Seungmin's stationeries were messed up on the previously clean desk.

And if that wasn't bad enough, all of his perfectly ironed clothes too were thrown onto his bed, jumbled up in one big pile. (a/n: ik this is yalls' rooms🤒)

He was furious.

I cleaned his dirty fucking place and this is what I get in return?

I can't believe Ryujin likes this bitch.

Some people don't change and it shows.

Seungmin got hold of another book to throw at Hyunjin but a hand wrapped around his wrist first.

"Can you please stop throwing fucking books at me? It hurts." Hyunjin said.

Seungmin pushed Hyunjin's hand off of his vigorously. "You fucking idiot! And I thought I'd give you another chance!"

"Also, your parents want to meet Ryujin and your stupid ass!" He shoved Hyunjin out of his way, starting to clear up the mess.

Ryujin? Shin Ryujin? Hyunjin thought.

"Yah, is it Shin Ryujin?" He casually asked, as if he didn't just piss the shit out of Seungmin.


"Like, medium-length hair, Shin Ryujin?"


"I'm asking you something."


Hyunjin got a pen to throw at Seungmin, but the boy had turned around at that moment and the pen poked his eye.

"Ouch!" Seungmin shrieked as he started rubbing his closed left eye, which started tearing up due to pain.

Hyunjin started panicking.

"H-hey.. are you okay?" He asked as he approached the latter to check.

Seungmin glared at him, with his good right eye at least. "Do I look okay to you?"

"Aish— just go meet Ryujin. I can take care of myself. And yes, it's Shin Ryujin." He said, still rubbing his eye.

Hyunjin just stood there.

Help him.. or no?


"Earth to Hyunjin." Seungmin waved his hand in front of Hyunjin's face. "Ryujin is waiting for you, go?"


"Have you even washed your hands? And you're rubbing your eyes." He grabbed Seungmin's hand and brought him to the bathroom.

Hyunjin walked closer and closer to where he saw Ryujin, The Shin's and his own parents.

Great, just great.

"Ah! You must be Hyunjin?" The man looking in his mid-50's took out his hand to shake with Hyunjin's, like father like daughter they say.

Hyunjin grabbed the hand. "Y-yeah, nice to meet you, Mr. Shin." He said in a polite manner.

"No need for formalities, boy! Just call me father, hm?" Mr. Shin reassured, Hyunjin nodding as a response.

Hyunjin stood in between his parents. afterwards.

"Why are you late?" Hyunjin's father elbowed him, lightly though, so the Shin's wouldn't see.

"Just helped a friend."

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