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"You better talk to him before he does something worse than you." Jin whispered comically to Jimin's ear after he got back from serving a table.

"What do you mean?"

"Actions speak more than words or something..." Jin winks at him before continuing to mop the floor not too far from Jimin. He leans against a table and wonders what the older was talking about. Of course he could just ask Jin but another unknown man had already walked towards him before he could even do so.

"Hey there." The man says to him informally, like they know each other but they don't.

Jimin smiles awkwardly as the man moves closer and tries to drape an arm around him. He was about to step back when Yoongi suddenly appears between them and snakes an arm around Jimin's waist, pulling the smaller close to his chest.

"Back off." He scoffs at the male who's apparently taller than him, though Yoongi doesn't seem to care. In fact, he looked scarier despite the height difference. "You guys just keep coming, don't ya'?"

"Dude, are you his boyfriend?" The taller one sneers at yoongi.

"And if I am?"

Jin who was watching the entire scene chokes on his spot and Jimin also did too. The only difference was the crimson glowing on the younger's cheeks, courtesy of Yoongi's arms tightly placed around him. Jimin's definitely living a dream.

The man bit his lip and turned away slowly to leave them. Yoongi smirks in satisfaction and faces Jimin who refused to meet his eyes, the younger trying to hold back a scream.

"And you."

Jimin points to himself, eyes open in curiosity. "Get back to work."

Jimin grins michievously, face still red. He wiggles his eyebrows at Yoongi before answering.

"Sure babe."

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