Chapter 1 : When We Met.

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Obanai's POV

All this food...I can't...I can't eat all of it. And it smells...I just wanna get out of here. And be free. I wonder what its like out of this cage...

No ones here..its so boring.


"O-ow..." *whimper* I looked at what just came into my cage..there were no doors open..No way to get out unless the lock was picked. And that definitely wasn't the case. How did it get in? And what was it..? I looked at, them. It was a boy..and they weren't part of my family for sure. He had (H/C) hair and (H/C) bangs. No one in my family has different colour bangs than the rest of their hair at all..there weren't even any boys im my who was he? The boy was bruised and big patches covered her arms and legs. They had somewhat long hair. He looked so messed up. But something was off...what was it? He gave another look at him. Wait...his ears? They're pointy..maybe its just a special thing that runs in his family.

"I-I'm...s-sorry..p-please help m-me..."

Help? His bruises...someone's...hurting him?! He looks really skinny too. Who would do this to someone...?

"I..I can't help much. I'm trapped here..if I could I would help you as much as I could..I'm sorry. But.." He pushed a bowl of katsudon and udon in front of him. "You could have these. I can't finish all this food. Do you..want it?"

The 'boy' sat there, in awe. He's never seen food in years. His father abused 'him' since 'he' was 3. And 'his' father...was a demon. 'His' mother was a regular human. She ran away from her husband once she gave birth. She was scared he would harm her. She left the little girl, all alone. The little girl wasn't a demon so she could go in the light...but she wasn't a full human either.

"T-thank you..." He started eating. He was struggling a bit with using the chopsticks, but after a few minutes he got the hang of it. In about 20 minutes he was done. Obanai felt some type of happiness knowing that he helped you. "I-I h-have to dad is gonna come looking for me...t-thank much." He glanced at him one last time before he morphed through the walls of the cage and ran back into the forest.

Its been 2 years since then, and he would visit Obanai everyday. Her name was (Y/N). He also brung his snake Kaburamaru and sometimes left him with Obanai. They had became very good friends, and discussed ways to escape. Obanai had a stolen hair pin from him, so he was thinking about picking the lock. (Y/N) still hasn't figured out how he'll escape from his father, but he wanted to make sure that Obanai escaped before him. (P.S. (Y/N) is a girl, but doesn't want to tell Obanai. He prefers to be referred to with masculine pronouns. )

(Omg I need to thank you guys for putting up with my cringe stories- so THANK YOU)

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