Where we first had first kiss

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I was working on a sea quest when this golden blonde hair guy about the same age approaches to Darwin. I am leaning on a wall and stumble over the air. He looks at me confused "are you ok y/n" I was surprised by him even knowing my name and I replied " yeah I'm fine" turn my back towards him and smiled. His name was Lucas...Lucas Wolenzac. Such a cute name Lucas and Y/n as if that'll ever happen he probably has every girl in the city drooling over him. Ok I have to get to work. I took care of Darwin for a bit and went to my bunk to get a nap. A few hours later 3 hours and 17 minutes to be exact. I heard the emergency alarm and heard captain running into my room since I'm the medical who takes care of people get hurt. "Y/n come quick Lucas is hurt" as I heard him say that I ran over to where he was which was in with Darwin he had slipped and fell and broke his leg. While you were examining his leg he had broken his right leg. He winching and groaning. I stood up to his face and simply said. " I'm sorry but Lucas you broke your right leg you won't be able to walk for about a year" he is shocked and looks he's about shed some tears. "Hey it wasn't your fault it's going ok Lucas" he cries and hugs you tightly. You rubs his back. You put his cast and sign " get better ❤️ Y/n" you write on his cast while lying on his bunk. Thank you y/n. "It's ok bab- I mean Lucas" you left the room awkwardly. "Gosh that was too close" you mumbled walking to you bunk. Captain comes in your room and says "y/n please don't let Lucas hang out with Darwin" he says. "But he adores Darwin and he's not in the pod with him so there is no way he can slip and fall I'll be watching him every second of everyday till he gets better" you argue. Lucas was in bed trying to get up and you hear him groaning. You run to his room. "Lucas....uhhh...do you...uh do you need something?" You say nervously. " Can get water?" He says sweetly. "You could have paged me" you laugh and get him water from the kitchen. "Sorry I didn't know I thought you were busy" he says. You guys just sit there and chill watch movies and he falls asleep. 


I woke to see Lucas peacefully sleeping and look and stare at him sleep. When I tried getting up and walking out the room. He gripped my wrist and says "don't leave, stay" he says in that hot sleepy tone. I look at him deeply and sit on the edge of the bed rubbing his face with my thumb. Captain had called me and had to leave to do some work. " Can I see Darwin?" He says cutely. "Of corse Lucas" he gets up half way and you pull him on your shoulder. He grabs the crutches and followed me to the work area. While Lucas was talking with Darwin I was watching him and working. He dropped one of his crutches and was about to fall I sprinted there and caught him. He gives me his softest smile. It was so adorable. It was lunch and I was making Lucas his favorite food. "Here you go Lucas enjoy" I gave him with an orange juice. "Aren't you going to eat?" He questioned. "No I'm fine." I say and gives me a wired look. "I haven't seen you eat since 5 days ago y/n....?" He looks at me worried. "Well I don't need any food" you argue. "No you have to" he try's giving you some. "No lucas stop it" you say tearing up and running to your bunk. Lucas had followed me and opened the door. "Y/n what are you doing this to yourself you are already perfect and beautiful just how you are and the kindest girl I've ever met and you helped me though this and...." he hugs you "And I love you and I hope you like me back" he says turning the other way. "I've always loved you since the day we've met. I love you Lucas Wolenzac" you hugged him back. "Come and eat with me I'll feed you" he sings. "Haha ok" you help him up to the kitchen.

2 weeks later:


Today's the day I ask y/n to be my girlfriend I confessed I loved her and she obviously loved me back. I was in the kitchen making breakfast for her and had help from captain. We were walking there and I walk in and captain leaves the tray of food I made for her on the table. I slowly stoke her hair causing to wake her. "Hey Lucas what are doing here?" She says still tired. I saw that she was up all night working. " I made you breakfast and I want to take you on a date." He says while looking into your eyes. " of course what time?" She said while eating the breakfast I'd made for her. "We are going to (any Italian restaurant you can think of) at 6pm" I reply. "Sounds great see you later Lucas" she hugs me and walks out. It 9 in the morning and I'd just been hanging out with Darwin and talking to him about how'll ask out y/n. I was so excited I lost track of time and I still haven't picked out what I was wearing. It was 4:50pm and I crutched over to my bunk and looked for my nicest suit. I put on my leg brace since my leg was started to get better and y/n had gave a leg brace I just hope I can walk because this is my first time putting it on and my leg is healing pretty rapidly. I put on my pants and y/n walked in on me shirtless and I froze ofc. She looked.....wow I couldn't explain how beautiful she looked it was like she flew down from heaven. " I...uhh...sorry didn't mean to walk in like that" she nervously said. I replied " it's fine". I put on my shirt and suit. "Ready to go?" I say try getting up. "Sure am, will you be able to walk in that I know it's healing rapidly but you haven't tried walking in that yet." She says worried. "I'll be fine don't worry" I said. We drove to the restaurant and had a fun time.


While we were waiting for the taxi to arrive we went on a walk on the side walk. He stoped and he stared into my eyes. His eyes deep as the ocean leaned in and kissed me for almost a full minute. He then said "y/n.....I've always wanted to say this since the day we first met....will you be girlfriend?" He says looking at the ground. "Yes yes yessss" I said I thought it'd never come. I kissed him more and the taxi arrived we both were so tired and tomorrow was Saturday so we'll have a whole day to ourselves. We were home after 15 minutes in the car. I helped Lucas to his room carrying his arm on my shoulder since he was only 2 inches taller than me. I was 5'7 and when he was 5'9. I lightly placed him on his bed and took his leg brace off. He then went to the restroom to change and so did I while he was in the bathroom. "Now I can finally call you mine and my babygirl" he smirks. "I love that baby" you help him to bed. You play with his fingers and interlock them with yours. You lay on his chest and he had no shirt on you looked at his six pack and traced them. "Like what you see?" He smirks. "Stop teasing me Wolenzac" you say getting comfortable. He starts playing with your hair and you fall asleep."I love you more than I love myself" he whispers. You both drift off to sleep.

Thank you for reading this if you enjoyed please request what else you'd want me to write about it could be a character or a plot anything.

Words: 1402

Setting: seaquest dsv

Characters: Lucas Wolenzac and Y/n L/n

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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