chapter 5

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For the next week asta and Noelle were very distant from each other, that whole week Asta was feeling more pain then ever after losing his friend Asta started to feel disgusted with himself regretting everything he did, Asta barely left his room and stayed in bed only leaving his room at nights for food, baths, and training and would return before the sun came out, Noelle had been getting better but it still made her sad not seeing Asta at all In the mornings she wanted to talk to him but whenever she saw his face or thought of him she thought of the things that he had done with mimosa, yami understood Asta and Noelle's situation thanks to Vannesa and Finral explaining it to him so he gave them both a break until they figured it out but who knew how long it would take, the day to find out who was the father to mimosa's kid was quickly apporching, Asta was nervous not just because of the reveal but because who ever the father will have to marry mimosa


Asta:so what's up?

Yuno:so like we said mimosa's pregnate

Asta:yeah what about it?

Mimosa:well me and yuno were talking and we came to an agreement

Asta:and that agreement is?

Yuno:which ever one of us is the father is going to have to...marry mimosa

Asta:oh..i see It why?

Yuno:we can't have a baby out of wedlock other wise he'll be a bastard child so the best option is marriage

Asta:ok I understand

Mimosa:well we'll see you in a week

Asta:yup see you

*end of flashback*

The day finally came asta had been awake all night anxious to find out who was mimosa's kid, when the sun came up he stayed in bed for a while not wanting to move a muscle but he decided he should prepare himself when he finally got up he got dressed and ready to head down

Asta:come on liebe let's go

Liebe:so who do you hope the father is

Asya:I don't know

Liebe:aw come on Asta don't you want it to be you? If I recall I remeber you said you wanted to have a family

Asta:liebe please I don't want to get into it right now

Liebe:you can just say you don't want it to be you

Asta:liebe I said to shut up I don't know what I want to think about this right now we'll just have to find out when they tell us

Liebe felt the anger in Asta's tone he decided to back off

Liebe:alright..I'm sorry

Asta walked down the staired trying his best to avoid anyone but when he made it down stairs he heard the elegant voice from none other then Noelle, Asta tried his best to not be noticed but that was a failure when he tried to open the door and it creaked as he was opening and it wasn't a quite creak it was very loud to grab the attention of everyone, they all turned there heads to look at Asta guys

Noelle look at Asta and she felt her heart shatter being reminded that today was the day he found put if he was or wasn't the father of Mimosa's kid, she had rarely seen him and she tried her best to get over him but honestly it was extremely hard to get over someone like Asta, she didn't say a word she just look at him

Vannesa:Asta is it today?

Asta:y-yeah it is

Finral:do you want me to take you there?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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