Curiosity and Satisfaction

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(N/A) This short story is just your average fiction. It follows two people, Curiosity and Satisfaction, just living in a city as they interact with the people around them, and each other.


Curiosity skipped through the streets, looking into every dark alley and under every rock. She played with the children of the neighborhood, though their parents would pull the kids away from her.

"It's too dangerous," They nagged. "You'll get hurt."

Curiosity left home every day, with not one change. Everyone looked at her and spread rumors that she was not to be trusted. The neighborhood children were the only ones who would play with her anymore, but it would never last.

Satisfaction strolled through the streets, cleaning up messes Curiosity left behind. She'd go to the parents of the neighborhood and tell them her stories. People would gather around to hear her adventures, and they'd always ask her,

"Why do you go on these adventures, and how is it you always return with a story?"

Satisfaction would never answer, instead she would laugh, and tell them that they must wait. She'd leave the neighborhood, waving at the children and parents, before coming home to Curiosity. Curiosity had sparkles in her eyes, bouncing up and down.

"Satisfaction, Satisfaction! I was thinking, we've got to go sky-diving! Just to see what it's like!"

Satisfaction always laughed at Curiosity and her antics.

"That sounds fun, I can't wait to see what happens. I'm sure everyone will love to hear about it."

Curiosity did a spin around Satisfaction, dancing and laughing.

"Do you really think so? Everyone always tells me to go away."

Satisfaction held Curiosity by the arms, spinning her around like a kind of dance. She smiled at Curiosity reassuringly.

"I talk to them, you know. They love you. They love the adventures you take us on. You may be a little careless, but know that I will always be there in the end. They aren't as adventurous as you, but that doesn't mean they don't like you or our adventures. They just don't know how things will turn out. That's why I tell them our stories. So they know that no matter what, something will come out of our adventures, whether it be sorrow or joy."

Curiosity thought on those words for a minute, the two still dancing like no one was watching. After a moment, she looked up at Satisfaction smiling.

"How about we do something else?"

Curiosity and Satisfaction walked together through the streets, peering together into every crevice, finding a story in each one. They waved at the neighborhood kids and their parents, rolling suitcases behind. The families would come up to them.

"Where are you off too, this time?" They'd all ask in unison.

Curiosity and Satisfaction shared a look. "It's a surprise!"

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