please don't copy my work

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This is Purely an adventure book simply about a girl lost in the words thanks for reading my book!
Her siblings are irritating and she can never focus but when she gets into a book she could get screamed at yet wouldn't know, hense the title lost in the words.

In the deepest forest, Alysia wondered far into the trees out of everyone's sight her mousy brown hair flowing in the bitter breeze. When she reached the end of the forest she put her bag down. She then relaced against her favourite tree, pulled out a book and began reading.

Meanwhile her brothers argued and her sisters begged her mother for sweet treats there parents never learnt to just say no!

When suddenly she began humming peacefully to her self and was simply ignoring the world outside her. She was reading an amazing book that she rather liked. She also began to fidget until she was comfortable.

Suddenly, she was lost in the words. No one could get her out of this crazy thing. She just reclously plouded through the pages and just as everyone thought she ran out of books she reached peacefully into her butterfly bag. Everyone tried everything but there was nothing stopping her it was almost like she was in a coma but worse she couldn't even hear her own mum.

Her mother lent down next to her sobbing and wailed, "Please Alysia I have been so reckless in my actions and just wanted to say I'm sorry. "
Her dad she hadn't seen in years suddenly appeared from the darkness and lent the other side giving Alysia a slight shake that was harmless he tried again and again but Alysia was truly lost in the words!

Alysia was a young girl with mousy brown hair. The ends of her hair are a slightly lighter gold and blend perfectly with the base colour.
It's pretty ironic that when alysia was 5 she used to beg her parents to not read her a story and to 𝙉𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍 by her any books now she begs quite the opposite and is all ways wanting more books.

Alysia got that lost in the words this day that her parents had to grab the books and take it away but it wasn't that simple all 7 siblings and 2 parents pulled on the book! Alysia looked up and shakes a little but her hands were almost glued to the book.
"How dare you try to steal my books you know these mean a lot and I use them to block you out" Alysia said in her head then suddenly she growled like a tiger and snatched the book back stuffed it in her bag and ran to the fervest away tree.

What her family didn't know is people had tried to take her books away before and she did exactly this but squeezed and zapped them in the legs witch left there legs num for at least an hour anough time for alysia to run far home and the quicker she went the slower the book snatchers would catch up.

This time alysia just ran so she didn't lose her family. When suddenly, her family began surrounding her like hungry buffoloes  that haven't eaten in days like she was the prey this was dangerous so today this family discovered she had another power witch was howling at the pitch of a young child's sweel she then threatened to harass there body's for years if they dared to tell a single sole!

This scared the family for years but it never came to alysia's mind because she had done it so many times.

lost in the wordsWhere stories live. Discover now