Introduction/Chapter 1

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so i'm really sorry that this is so bad, i just had an idea and so i decited to write it.

Disclaimer: none of the characters belong to be. i own not Percy Jackson or the Avengers. i did make this plot though. i am completely fine with you taking this plot and making your own spins on it. just tag me in it so i can read what you wrote, and how much better you are then me. If some one else has already made something like this, i'm swear i did not intentionally copy you and your work



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(Nick Fury POV:)

i was walking down to a Cafe called Coffee House Creamer (idk if that is a real place) to order myself a tea to go with my coffee that i made at home, when i heard a ring and felt my pocket vibrating. it was my phone, obviously, and so i checked out the number. It was not a number i recognized, so i picked it up. 

"hello?" i said. 

"Agent Nick Fury. I work for a secret operation of underground heros that work to help resolve issues the Avengers don't have time for." i heard in a monotone voice put through a voice changer. I couldn't tell if it was the voice of a man or a women.

"Who do you work for?" I asked.

"We work for everyone, and no one." the voice replied. So there were more of them.

"Why are you contacting me then?"

"We wish to become allies of S.H.E.I.L.D., to become allies of the avengers. We have an undisclosed amount of resources and knowledge. In fact we know the exact location of the terrorist you are currently after, and we will freely give you that location if you agree to meet up and think about our offer. So, what do you say?"

"What would i need to do?"


yeah sorry this chapter is so short, it kinda just to set up the plot. sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, please correct me, i can try to fix it. thank you and i hope you enjoy reading this. 

From me, 

Kit Kat :)

oh, and here's an extra nick fury meme to make you smile.

oh, and here's an extra nick fury meme to make you smile

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ok for real now byeeeeeeeeeee

Percy Jackson and the Avengers crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now