Chapter 2

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im sorry i haven't posted

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im sorry i haven't posted. i can only write on my sister's computer and she will only let me have it for 30 minutes a day only the weekend only. so im really sorry that its taken this long to post.

(Annabeth's POV)

after i finished relaying to where to meet, who to bring, and when to Nick Fury, i hung up. I sighed and threw the burner phone into the nearby thrash can. no one would be able to trace where the phone had come from now. i turned to Percy who was glancing around nervously and causally laughed and put my arm around him.

"you know, if you keep glancing around like that, people are going to start getting suspicious." He chuckled and smiled, "Sorry Annabeth, should we give Nico and the others a call now?"

"yeah, tell them to meet us at the randevu point."

"you mean my mom's house?" 

"yes, and then from there we'll get ready, because soon we're gonna have to deal with the avengers."


(Tony's POV)

"hold on, what?" was all i could say. Nick Fury had called the Avenger into the meeting room and told us that there was a group of underground superheros that wanted to become allies with us. He explained to us that he got a call and how they had told him to bring the Avengers, all of them, to an abandoned alleyway on Houston Street to discus the full extent of this. 

i was just shocked. A group of underground heroes that we've never seen or heard of before? As much as i was shocked, it also intrigued me. What did they look like? How efficient did they work together? How old were they? How many members did they have? Most importantly, they had kept themselves hidden very well, so well that even Fury didn't know about them, and they chose now to surface? what was their inter motive?

I look around the table and realized that everyone had the same questions in mind. 

Fury rolled his eyes and said "we have 30 minutes to decide if we're going, and what our plan is."

~~~time skip to 30 minutes later, in an abandon alleyway on Houston Street~~~

i can't believe we're actually doing this. Don't get me wrong, i was interested and all, but doing exactly as they say? everyone knows that's how you get caught in a trap! i admit, i see cap being that naive, being from the 1940's and all, but the whole team?! 

of course i can't blame them either, we don't know how advanced they are, or how many allies they have. so that's how i found myself waiting in an alleyway with the avengers for a group of mystery people. 

There were 10 of them.They were in identical black cloaks that covered their faces and only one of them spoke. they said "so you came, i was starting to wonder if you were going to come."

~~~time skip past were they talk about legal matters and random stuff like that because im lazy and just want to get this posted~~~

i honestly didn't know what to do. what they proposed seems good, but almost too good. What really did they have to gain from this allegiance? seeing how skeptical we all were, the leader(im guessing, they are the only one whose said anything) said this 

"i understand that you don't fully trust us yet, i wouldn't either, and i don't fully trust you, so here's my proposal. me and one of my colleges will live with the avengers, and for every day that passes another one of our colleges will join us. you will be able to have any information from us that you want, save for our secret identities, because we keep those to protect our families. can you agree to this?"

(Nick Fury's POV)

that plan seems fool proof. so far. i still don't know what they're getting at, or what they have to gain. but this does seem like a fair trade, and if anything goes wrong, easy to resolve. "alright, i agree." i say. i sign the legal document saying that we are now allies.

and with a satisfied nod, they take off their hood to reveal a young blond girl with startling grey eyes. and i mean very young, like not-a-legal-adult-yet young. she had a grey mask over here eyes to protect her secret identity. under the black coat she had on a very practical grey suit that looked like it had been made just for her. folded up on her back was a pair of mechanical wings that look so graceful and elegant,  i almost thought there were real. 

to say i was shocked is an understatement.

after she removed her hood, and threw her cloak to the ground, the rest of them did so too, revealing a boy with black hair, sea green eyes, and a costume  that was blue and green, with a black trim, that made it look like the sea itself had shaped it, wearing a black mask similar to that of the girl's, a black girl with golden eyes, a gold suit encrusted with diamonds and other precious metals, and a golden mask like the others, a chinese boy with a military style hair cut and a suit similar to clint's, but instead of purple, he had an emerald green and a black mask, a short latino boy with a read, orange, and yellow costume that look like fire, he had on an orange mask and a utility belt, a native american girl with a feather in her hair, her outfit was a royal blue 4(see picture below) it was skin tight and looked like it had a lot of hidden pockets and a mask of the same blue, a  tall blond boy with electric blue eyes,  a yellow suit that was lined with gold and a yellow mask, a short extremely pale boy with black hair, a black suit that was hidden by the shadows, and a black mask, a girl with short choppy black hair, electric blue eyes that matched her suit that was lined with silver and a silver mask, and girl with long brown hair, tightly braided, her suit was a deep purple that shined gold in the sunlight, oddly enough, she had a purple mask. all of them didn't look over 19.

the blond one in the grey suit said "Me and Hurricane will go with you today and Ghost King will join us tomorrow, we shall see if you last long enough for anymore

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the blond one in the grey suit said "Me and Hurricane will go with you today and Ghost King will join us tomorrow, we shall see if you last long enough for anymore."

wow. 1152 words, i'm sorry this was really bad, and im sorry its taken me so long to post. like i said earlier, i only have the weekends to work and only half an hour a day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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