Chapter 1

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"Where are they?" Demanded a harsh, frightening voice. A figure towering over a crumpled heap on the ground, eyes fixated and penetrating, ready to kill without a moment's hesitation.

There was the slightest movement before another voice rang out, soft and quiet, from the crumpled mess. "Better off, without either you or I," came it's response.

"What have you done!?" The first voice bellowed angrily. "Have you really forgotten your place? After all these years?"

"On the contrary," wheezed the second, "I remember it clearly. You made sure of that, or have you forgotten?" It spat out, mustering as much venom in their words as possible.

Ignoring their words the first voice demanded once more, "Where. Are. They."

Their words were only met with a bout of laughter, ingenuine and mocking. "What are you going to do? Beat me? Kill me? Go right ahead. Death is a dream compared to you. Either way you'll never find them, I can guarantee you that."


Cheerful laughter filled the air as a man and his child were playing a bout in the backyard of their home while a woman happily watched on from the kitchen window, laughing along at their antics. It was hard for her to believe that just eleven years ago she had found a bundle on her and her husband's doorstep.

Her sweet, loving husband was hesitant about the idea of taking the baby in as their own at first but the longer he watched his wife interact with the bundle in her arms, seeing her brimming with such joy and happiness, he was starting to come around to the idea. But it wasn't until he held the baby for his own did he finally give in; their big, innocent eyes staring up at him, giggling as chuddy little arms reached out to him. He was already wrapped around their finger, just as his wife was and neither of them minded.

It had been eleven long years of their precious child being in their mits but soon they would have to part with them. Their son/daughter had only recently gotten a letter notifying them that they had been accepted into a prestigious school. Not just any ordinary school at that but Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Neither the woman nor her husband had any inkling that magic was real or let alone that there was a school devoted to just that. They were unsure about whether to allow their child to attend or not but who were they to stand in between their child and their happiness.

The family had already made the trip to London not too long ago for all Y/n's school supplies and what an experience it was.

Everything was so new, so unheard of at least to the muggles, and oh so brilliantly amazing. The family was in awe the whole time. Had it not been for the added instructions that came with the acceptance letter, the family wouldn't have known what to do with themselves.

"Ian! Y/n! Lunch is ready!" Called the woman, brushing her now washed hands on her apron. The man, now known as Ian and his child, Y/n, looked over to the kitchen window where they had been called from. Ian, smiling down at his son/daughter, "Race?" He inquired.

"Bet!" Giggled Y/n before running off to the house where both their mother and lunch resided. Ian laughed at his child's antics before running after them.

Once the two made their way inside, the woman gathered her child in her arms. Squeezing them and holding them so close, if they were any closer they would have become one. "My sweet baby! So sweet, so precious, so small." The woman said, rubbing her cheek against her child's head affectionately.

"Mom!" They squealed, giggling all the while. "I'm not that small, I've grown this last summer. Remember?" How could the woman forget, it was such a big deal after all. Who knew half a centimeter could mean so much.

"Now Honey, let's not give Y/n a complex. Especially right before they're about to go off to a new school." Ian had spoken up, ruffling Y/n's hair.

The lively and cheerful family were far too caught up in themselves that they hadn't noticed the figure watching not too far away.


Living on the countryside had it's perks; it was wide, spacious, quiet and very much...isolated. And that couldn't have been more enticing for him then finding them already was.

It took time and some bloodying up (he's had more then this much blood on his hands, so it didn't mean much) but he'd finally found them and this time he wasn't going to let them go.

(A/N) Sorry it's taken me awhile to update. I've been on a break from writing for a few months but I'm back! I have so many ideas swimming around in my head for this story as well as my others and I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself in my writing. It also takes me sometime to gather my words and thoughts.

I do have updates planned for my other stories I just don't know when they'll be posted. Hopefully soon!! *fingers crossed*

Thank you for being patient with me and sorry again!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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