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??? pov

It's been a week and I'm heading home. Where is home even? I remember having one but that's about it.

The nurse said that I was getting discharged from the hospital today by my brothers. I didn't know I had brothers in the first place.


I turned around and saw 5 identical men standing next to each other and two shorter adults standing infront of them.

I asumed they were talking abut someone else until the man in a yellow hoodie tackled me.

"KARAMATSU NII-SAN, I MISSED YOU!!," the yellow man shouted in my ear.

"Uh, sir can you get off please."

The man in the yellow looked at me confused, it gave me a chance to look at his apperence. He had black hair, huge eyes, and he had a huge smile on his face.

"What do you mean 'sir', it's me Jyushimatu!"

Jyushimatsu? That name doesn't sound familier at all. Wait, who's Karamatsu?

"Come on Karamatsu stop messing around and get up," the man in the green hoddie said.

There's that name again. Karamatsu.

"I'm sorry but, who's Karamatsu?"

Everyone paused. They all stared at me especially the man in the purple hoodie. It looked like he wanted to kill me.

"May I talk to you all in private," the same nurse that took care of me said standing behind me.

They all glaced at me and payed all of their attention to the nurse.

Nurse pov

"You wanna tell us what the hell is wrong with shittymatsu?"

I stopped and refused to look at them.

"Listen carefully on what I'm about to tell you."

Still not looking back at the family, I took a deep breath and tried my best to stay calm. This wasn't my first time telling a family bad news.

"Karamatsu has suffered through severe memory loss," I said still facing away from the family.

There was silence.

"When he fell from the building, Karamatsu had a concussion which had a negitive ecffect on his brain."


"The damge had effected him mentally so we had to watch him at all times."


"He's recovered succesfully but, he doesn't remember his name, his family, and his favorite actives."


I stopped and waitied for one of them to speak.

"Does he remember us?"

There was a lump in my throat, my heart spiked with anxiety.

"I asked him if he had any rememberance of you all and he said no."

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