"RUV." You yelled as if you were dieing. He looked at you like you were crazy. "Wanna play rock paper scissors." "Fine." He said. "Ok so this us weird addition." "That means you can chose anything like lava water." "Stuff like that." "That's not rock paper scissors." "It is now." "And you need logic to back it up if you can't use logic you can use your loser card." "I'm not a loser." "No the loser card is when you can't use logic or your losing in a logic battle." "Rock paper scissors weird." "Lava." You saw. "Water." Ruv says. "Water puts out lava or fire." He says "lava can evaporate water." "Loser card." He says. "Your roleplay character floats in the are like god." Sarv says. "Where did you come from." You say "nothing beats god so ruv wins." Sarv said. "Your window was open." She said. "This game makes my head hurt." "Then lets play Patrick yay." Sarv says. She sets up the game and explained it to them. Ruv roles the dice and gets cookies. You then sneeze making the table shake. That caused ruvs dice to move to jail. "What but I had cookies." He said. "Tell it to the judge." Sarv says. She puts a jail box on his head. You role the dice and get two for two. "Do I want to ride the bike or eat a cake. "Can't we move on." Ruv said. "No." "Take your time Y/N." Sarv said. 39 minutes passed. "Just chose the cake you love cake." Ruv said. 15 more minutes pass. "I'll chose the cake." You say. Ruv looked like he was about to yell and cause the house to cone crashing down like he did when you both first met. Sarv roles the dice and gets fire. She has to set something on fire. She set a painting on fire. This continues and ruv easily easily wants to commit suicide. You finally finish the game. Sarv leaves you with ruv and ruv was sleeping. You wake him up. "Ruv come on. "Bed you go." He tiredly walked to bed with you and wrapped you around him.