Chapter 9

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Bakugou's POV
I slowly wake feeling needy so I make grabby hands while my eyes are still closed by as I did that I couldn't feel anything so then I opened my eyes I expected to see deku but There was nothing I slowly sit up and started wondering where he could be I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone and typed deku in my contacts I held it up to my ear as it started ringing.

Hi kacchan

Where the hell are you nerd?!

Kacchan please calm down

No tell me where you are first!
Because you cant just up and leave
Without me knowing I was worried about you idiot!


i flinched.

Look I'm sorry for yelling but i needed for you to calm down

Just tell me Where you are

I already said no kacchan now go back to bed it's still night

After he said that he hung up so I tracked his phone and no dont call me weird or anything
So I got dressed and left UA and started walking down the street a few miqnutes passed and I started getting scared because the other part of town was like homeless people and robbers and other shit but the great katsuki bakugou never gets scared but as I continued walking I heard people talking like....deku

I peek around the corner to see deku WITH THE LEAGUE OF VILLANS I wanted to stay quiet but my dumbass anger issues had to )qqget to me DEKU WHAT THE HELL deku looked at me quickly he ran up to me and pulled me to the side Kacchan what the hell are you doing here! Deku yelled whispered I should be asking you the same question!
I said he looked away for a few minutes I was just handling business I thought for a minute and my eyes widen I looked at him

Y-you wanna join the league of villans

Sorry this one is short I'll make the next one longer I'm just making yall suffer

Have coryxkenshin as a late pass

Do you like me?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang