chapter 3 • all she cared about was the fact that robby worked there, too

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her work uniform was hideous.

most of her free time now was given up to work.

she'd wake up, go to school, karate class, work at larusso auto, and then finally get home.

her father had volunteered cherry for an open job there, claiming it was a good way to build a stronger connection and better partnership.

cherry didn't understand any of it.

all she cared about was the fact that robby worked there, too.

she hated that part.

cherry didn't even like cars. why would it would be a good idea to have her near them for work?

she hated cars.

but not as much as she hated robby.

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cherry followed samantha to a table.

sam was daniel's daughter, and cherry's old friend.

kyler was spreading weird, sexual rumors about her. all of the immature people she claimed to be her friends, didn't want to hangout with her.

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