chapter prologue

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bzzzbzbbzbzbzbb-bzbzzzbzbbzbzbzbb-bz "The alarm clock rang it's was time for Gaster or other wise known as Sam to wake when his eyes opened he was met with a unfamiliar place which seemed to be a dark place "

"Ugggghg"what-what What happened Where am i" "said sam"
When looking around sam noticed another boy near him he the boys was sleeping soundlessly sam got near the boy and started to wake him up the unknown boy started pushing sam and told him to let him sleep.

Sam started to get angry so he started shouting to the boy to wake up
The boy woke up hastily and looked at sam and told him to let him sleep in peace. The unknown boy then realised that he was no in his room and quickly asked the boy who he was.

"My name gaster but my friends call me sam"sam said

"Wait gaster wait you mean the guy who is in argen server that sam"said the unknown boy

"Who are you and why do you know about argens discord server"said sam

"Its me Yugi the guy from the server"said the boy now named yugi

"Wait really as in the guy i talk everyday"said sam

"Yeah thats me"said yugi

"Prove me that you are yugi tell me something that we have done"said sam

"We play yugioh duel links everyweek and i use a blue eyes deck that i always win with"said yugi

"It really is you"said sam

"Both boys hugged" 'we finally meet face to face not on discord' said yugi

suddenly someone teleported in behind the two boys

"Ahem" someone coughed

The two boys looked behind them um "who are you sir"said yugi and sam in unison

"I am the one who killed you"the mysterious man said to the two boys

"What'said yugi

"Wait why did you kill us"Sam said

"Oh for fun"the mysterious man said

"What"Sam said

"What you killed two innocent people for fun"said yugi

"So what can we do we are normal humans"said yugi

"So what can we do we are normal humans"said yugi

"Yea we are normal humans and who are you I think we need to know the name of the one who killed us"Sam said

"You can call azathoth" said the man now named azathoth



"You can believe me if you want" Azathoth said

"Why did you kill us azathoth "said yugi

Azathoth"grumbles"at the question asked by yugi

"What does the high and mighty Azathoth need from us feeble mortals"Sam said

"I been bored living in the void for eternity so i killed you guys so that you can provide me entertainment "said azathoth

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