Chapter 1- Let me introduce my self!

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High school. The greatest but yet the worst time of your life. You hear it in the movies. To be honest who ever made that up must of been very popular because let’s just say it is not going well for me right now. Just the other day I was walking down the hallway and Bruce Lukfall came out of now where and tripped me over and threw all his lunch over me. Stupid bullies.

Oh sorry how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Allen. Allen Quinn if you do not know how to pronounce my name, don’t worry it’s not a big deal. Talking about deals, what’s with Bruce? He thinks he’s all big and tough but the thing is. He is all big and tough. It might be that I have a massive crush over his girlfriend. Kylie Haller. He can’t blame me if you saw her you would be surprised how gorgeous she is. 5 ft 6, black soft hair and her cheek bones are like blooming Angelina Jolie’s cheek bones. She is perfect but how is she with him. What happens if they got drunk one day went to bed together, next day she ends up in a wheel chair. The size of his arms could stop superman in one punch. One thing I absolutely hate about him is his hair. Dreadlocks with white stuff on it. What’s the white stuff you’re asking trust me no one knows.

Let me tell you more about myself. I was born 30th May 1999. So I am only 15. I’m an orphan, when I was 5 years old my parents were shot dead right in front of national television. The police caught the person who killed my parents. My uncle killed them. Now he is in prison for the rest of his life. Good. 

What’s next? Oh. I am 5ft 11 so I’m quite tall I guess for my age. I have dark brown hair like Liam Hemsworth. I’m not stocky but yet scrawny.

I go to Hollford School in Nottingham. I was born in Scunthorpe,Lincoln but moved to Nottingham before my folks died. I had a sister but when i was 7 she cleared of with her boyfriend and then i was put in an orphanage.

I’m one of those people at school who does get noticed quite alot but not a lot of people like me. Is it because i’m not like everyone else. Not sure but i hate it there. I had a girlfriend her name was Josie Clayton we did not last long together. About a month i’ll say. Oh how in earth did i forget to mention my two best friends well my only friends. Daisy Wingle and Geoff Thawne. I met Daisy in the Orphanage. Her parents left her when she was a baby. Not a good story.But at least she is friends with Kylie. I met Geoff three years ago when he came to my school i saw him behind the bins at recess. He was a bit of a loner for a time then i decided to go over there and invite him to hang around with me and Daisy.So that is how me and my bezies met.

 Any way let’s go back to Kylie for a second. The other month i caught her going into the boy’s toilets with Daisy. Then 20 minutes later they came out sweaty as hell god know’s what they were doing. Then about a week ago i went up to Kylie to ask her what was that about in the boy’s toilets. She was about to tell me but then Bruce caught me talking to her and heard that she was in the boy’s toilets with out him. He said i better run if i want to live so i started to walk back then he suddenly charged at me and beated the crap out of me. So your pretty up to date what’s happend latly so let’s begin how hgh school is going to get better for me.

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