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George didn't really know what he was doing here. All he knew was that he was at a party. He didn't know what it was for and whose house it was, he just knew he was at a party.

George originally hadn't wanted to come but Wilbur had dragged him along. He'd wanted to just spend the evening completing work and chilling to music after school, maybe even get the video he'd recorded edited, not spend his Friday night at a random house with people he didn't know. He felt totally lost.

He had no experience of going to parties; the loud music was doing his head in, the whole place stank of alcohol and sweat, random red paper cups were strewn all over every visible surface and there were people practically everywhere he went. He wanted to go somewhere quieter, not wanting his pounding headache to get any worse.

George stayed with Wilbur for the first hour, basically just following him around. He felt extremely lost and out of place. But now Wilbur had left him. He had no idea where Wilbur had gone. He would have called him if his phone hadn't died so he was now just walking around cluelessly and to be perfectly honest, he just wanted to go home.

Dream didn't really know what he was doing. Sapnap was hanging out with his girlfriend, Heather, Dream hated her, she was just, SO. FUCKING. ANNOYING. And, when Sapnap had told him to go to the party with him he did not mention at any point that the bitch was going to be there. He thought that they'd actually be able to just hang out, for once, like they used to.

Guess he'd thought wrong then.

He wandered around for a bit, everyone was either playing some sort of game, talking to someone else or completely drunk.

Maybe he should just go home, Sapnap would probably go home with Heather anyways, so he wouldn't mind if Dream took the car.

Dream spent a considerable amount of time looking for the entrance where he had come in but the house was fucking huge. And he wasn't going to ask anyone for directions. That would be embarrassing plus, independence is superior anyways.

Dream breathed out a sigh of relief as he found the door he and Sapnap had come through earlier that night and was about to leave before he saw someone else on his own out of the corner of his eye. Dream didn't notice him until the room flashed a bright yellow.

Dream stopped for a second, he wanted to leave right? But instead he found himself walking towards him. Okay and what happened to leaving, you literally found the fucking exit, he thought to himself for a second before pushing the thought to the back of his head. The boy was just wandering around cluelessly, maybe he was lost, Dream could help him.

Okay, not like he had any idea on how to navigate the house, he'd spent around 10 minutes looking for the exit. If only his sense of direction in real life could be as good as in Minecraft.

"Hey," someone said behind him.

George quickly assumed that whoever was speaking wasn't talking to him since he didn't know anyone here except Wilbur and that wasn't Wilbur. Just background noise.

George continued walking around, looking for Wilbur, blocking out all the noise in his head. Too noisy. Too crowded. Too hot.

He didn't want to be here.

Dream stared at the boy, he was walking away from him. He just completely ignored him.

Don't we all just love getting ignored.

Wilbur wasn't anywhere to be seen, plus, even if George did find him Wilbur wouldn't want to leave just because George wanted to. Deciding not to head into the most crowded area of the room, George turned back around. At least it was relatively quieter over there.

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