one eye sees ; the other feels

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Running away can be a form of liberation, a fleeting escape from the shackles of a life that feels burdensome

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Running away can be a form of liberation, a fleeting escape from the shackles of a life that feels burdensome. And move towards a life that seems as easy as breathing. 

Yet, as the steps carry you away, the destination becomes blurred, and the exhilaration of escape can turn into uncertainty. 

The unknown lies ahead, but it also lurks behind, questioning the wisdom of running away. 

When is it the time to stop and turn around? To look back at the unknown and fight? To move your steps towards them and make them step back?

Perhaps, in the rhythm of those steps, lies the answer — a balance between running and standing still, between escaping and confronting, finding a path where each stride is deliberate and meaningful.

Rhys had never thought the night would unravel itself like the way it did. He sure has witnessed worse things but never had he felt this weird sense of uncertainty embracing his bones ; the suspicions of being followed by the unknown.

He was driving once again, focused and careful. His free hand was dialing a number on his phone...again. 

The scene seemed to be repeating itself, the only difference was, now in the place of the case file, there sat Liana Grace herself, protected by the seat belts, eyes still just as shut.

The familiarity of the scenario struck him, a haunting reminder that the roles had shifted, and Liana was now the tangible reality beside him, not just a name on a document.

"Come on, Felix, just answer already," Rhys muttered, frustration lining his voice. 

He had attempted to reach Felix once again, but there was no response this time. The silence on the other end of the line hung heavy, amplifying the uncertainty that already clouded the night.

The city lights blurred into streaks of color as he continued driving, the destination unclear, much like the path ahead.

And even when surrounded by urgency , A sudden realization struck him — the need for a first aid kit. 

Liana's wounds, still fresh and unattended, begged for attention. 

Rhys's eyes scanned his surroundings, searching for a pharmacy to address the immediate concerns. His pursuit for answers entwined with the responsibility to care for the fragile figure at his side.

As Rhys drove towards the pharmacy, his mind was a labyrinth of unanswered questions, each turn leading him deeper into the mystery that had unexpectedly unfolded before him. 

The rhythmic hum of the car engine accompanied the relentless beat of his thoughts.

What was Liana doing there in the middle of the night? 

Where had she been all this time, hidden from the world? 

The hospital gown she wore only deepened the mystery. Why was she adorned in the attire of a medical facility? 

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