-WilburSoot (Part 2)-

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Part 2 to the previous Wilbur chapter

It has been 6 months now since you moved into your new house, you've been getting along with Wilbur very well but you're starting to wonder if you maybe like him as more than a friend. For a few weeks now every time you see him your heart beats just a little harder, your face gets that little bit redder and your voice seems to crack just a little more frequently. Crushing on a ghost?! That's insane.. that's impossible!! You become sadder as your thoughts take over, even if you are falling in love with Wilbur.. There is no possible way that you could be with him, he being a ghost and you being, well.. alive.

Your brow furrows with frustration and you let out a loud sigh. You are sitting in your study, reading.. well at least you were before a certain ghost man filled your head with thoughts. Now that you think about it, this is exactly where you first met Wilbur, where he scared you into a stupor, you let out a small chuckle at the memory.

"Funny book?" You hear from the doorway, you look up to find the smiling face of the man you'd just been thinking of.

"Wilbur.. hello," you smile back at him, closing your book, "about the novel, it actually kinda sucks." You pout, turning around to put the novel back where it belongs on the shelf. Wilbur lets out a loud laugh behind you and before you can turn to look at him you feel a presence behind you before a pair of cold arms wrap around your torso, you immediately blush. In the last few days Wilbur has been getting a lot more comfortable and a LOT more cuddly and you honestly can't say that you're not enjoying the step forward in your relationship with him.

You stand with him, basking in the feeling of being in his arms but after a while you start to grow cold from his icy skin, "Wilburrrr." You whine, squirming a little in his arms to try and get out but this action only leads him to hold on tighter. You both start to laugh as you try wiggling out of his grip and as he tries to keep his hold on you. Once you finally free yourself, you stand triumphantly in front of a pouting Wilbur,

"(Y/nnnnn) come backkkk," he whines, "you're so warmmm."

You roll your eyes at the man, trying to hide your smile bought on by his adorable antics. He outstretches his arms like a child and you can't believe how cute he is being right now, he's never been THIS forward, you think, why is he being so clingy right now? Not that I hate it... suddenly you have the idea to have a movie night; just you and Wilbur, all night, on the couch, sitting close to each other... god I'm touch-starved, you think, but that does sound amazing... oh fuck it, lets do it. You grab his hand and lead him out the door, he floats after you with a quizzical look on his face. You lead him downstairs with a giggle and bring him into the lounge where you sit him down on the couch.

"(Y/n) what-"

"Shush, sit here while I make popcorn." You trot off towards the kitchen before stopping and turning around to face Wilbur who looks back at you expectantly. "Actually, maybe you could choose a movie for us to watch, I have DVDs over there in that cabinet seeing as you don't know what Netflix is." He cocks his head at the mention of Netflix and furrows his eyebrows, you had found out only a few weeks ago that Wilbur seriously doesn't know what Netflix is, you can't blame him seeing as he has been dead for a while but, you find that soo sad.. Not the death thing, the part where he doesn't know what Netflix is, that's just tragic.

As you place the bag of popcorn in the microwave you can hear Wilbur shuffling through the DVDs and just as the timer goes off for the popcorn, so does Wilbur,

"OH (Y/N)!! (Y/N) I FOUND WHAT I WANT TO WATCH!!" You walk through the door into the lounge room where an ecstatic looking ghost man awaits you with bright eyes and a brighter smile. Once you reach him you hold out your hand for him to hand you the DVD and as he does you catch a glimpse of the front cover.

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