Chapter One

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"Hi, I need you to be in the car in five minutes. I am not joking. And Peter, put some pants on! You are not leaving this house in your underwear," Bailey barked as she left a large streak of mascara across her eyelid. Groaning under her breath, she knew that they would be late to church yet again.

"Honey, have you seen my face lotion? I really don't want to get sunburnt today. You laugh, but just wait until everyone we know has skin cancer, except me cause I wear sunscreen," Noah said as he came into the room in his dress shirt and some neon athletic shorts, tugging at his collar.

"Uh, I think that it's on the shelf above the sink," Bailey replied with a vague wave of her arm.

"I already checked there," Noah whined as he rebuttoned the top of his shirt for the fifth time.

"Eve was playing with it earlier. Ask her."

Noah threw her a quick 'thank you' before stumbling towards Eve's bedroom. She was sitting on her bed playing candy crush. Bailey could only catch little bits of the conversation, but it sounded like Eve hadn't seen the lotion either. Meanwhile, the twins were stomping up and down the stairs, hollering at each other and their mother simultaneously. 

"Mom!" Eve screamed as she ran into Bailey's and Noah's room. "Peter took my phone!" 

"Peter give Eve back her phone," Noah ordered. The youngest of the twins ran into the room with a frown on his face. Peter glared at Eve then shoved the phone into her hands.

They...they aren't ready for church, she thought.

"Now, look at your body. If you don't have both pants and socks on, then march your butt right back to your room and fix that." Bailey added, motioning for them to leave. Bailey gave Noah a side look that said If-you-don't-put-the-kids-in-the-car-in-the-next-five-mintues-I-will-kill-someone. Noah gulped nervously, and shoved the kids out of the room. Both of the children sighed and returned to their rooms to finish clothing themselves. Bailey let out and exasperated sigh once they left. 

Finally, I'm alone, Bailey thought as she fixed up her makeup. When she was done she checked to see if there was anything that could be fixed or applied. Suddenly, she felt someone's arm snake around her waist. Bailey turned her head to the side and felt Noah's breath on her neck. Oh wait, I have a husband that forgot how to put clothes on. I think I was the one that caused that, considering what we did most of first year of marriage.  

"Yes, Noah?" Bailey whispered. 

"You don't have to wear makeup to look beautiful you know," he purred. She turned around, her lips centimetres away from his. "You is kind, you is smart, you is important," he quoted. 

"That was so cheesy," Bailey breathed. "The first thing, I mean." 

"You know you love it," cooed Noah. Bailey glanced at his peach colored lips then looked back into his eyes, which were lit with affection. He gazed into her warm brown eyes so intensely that it gave her the urge to kiss him. Bailey fought that urge seeing as she just put lipstick on. She looked down and saw that Noah still hasn't gotten the shirt right. 

"You're doing it wrong," Bailey whispered as she unbutton his shirt, revealing his muscular chest. "You'd think that after our first and second year of marriage that you would remember how to get dressed and how to undress," she chuckled. 

"Well, maybe you could teach me," Noah flirted. 

Bailey pulled him closer to her after she fixed his shirt and whispered, "maybe I will...after Church. Speaking of church we are..." Bailey trailed off to check her watch. She let out a loud yelp when she saw the time. "THIRTY MINUTES LATE! OH HE -- UH -- HECK NO! MOVE IT! IN THE CAR NOW!" 

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