The Silent Treatment

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   "Nagito. . .C'mon, open the door. Please talk to me."

   Hinata continued to pound relentlessly against Komaeda's cottage, shouting his name. Komaeda hadn't gone inside his own cottage for a year (He moved in with Hinata first to be monitored and then then because they're in love) but here he was back in it again all because Hinata had fucked up just moments before.

   "I swear I didn't mean it! I was overwhelmed with so much on my plate-although that is really no excuse-but I don't actually think that way! Please come out and talk to me! Please don't ignore me! Please. . !"

   Komaeda grits his teeth from his position on his bed, glaring at the door with tears in his eyes. He's not ready to talk about it. . .

   "Hinata-kun, my love!" Komaeda sings, wrapping his arms around the brunet sitting down in front of the computer. 

   Hinata sighs, barely acknowledging him as he shrugs his boyfriend off, trying to concentrate on his Future Foundation.

   "Oh, Hajime. . .Why don't you take a break and spend some time with me! Naegi-san can wait a day or so, you know? I've been missing you."

   "Got no time for that right now, Nagito," He grunts back, growing more agitated by the second, "Can you give me a little bit of time?"

   Komaeda flutters his eyelashes. "Aw, but Hajime-"

   Hinata whips his head around sharply, glaring daggers at his partner. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE, KOMAEDA, CAN'T YOU LIVE WITHOUT ME FOR TWO FUCKING SECONDS?! DAMN, NO WONDER EVERYONE GETS SICK OF YOU, YOU'RE SO FUCKING ANNOYING AND CO-DEPENDANT, LET ME BREATHE!" He snaps before immediately covering his mouth in horror.

   Komaeda freezes before letting out a weak wheeze, chuckling to himself, eyes swirling slightly. "Ah, yes. . .Of course, how could I have been so foolish. . .Apologies, Hinata-san."

   Hinata shoots out of his seat, reaching out to him. "Komaeda, wait, no-"

   Komaeda spins on his heel and bolts out of the cottage.

   Hinata curses under his breath. "No, dammit, I didn't mean that-ugh. . .NAGITO!"

   "Nagito please give me a chance to make it up to you! I really didn't mean it, everyone here adores you now and you're an amazing person! I love spending time with you!" He shouts, resting his head against the door.

   He's only met with silence from the other side.

   "Nagito, please! I-I'm begging you to open the door and talk to me!"

   There's silence for another moment. And then finally he hears the small shuffle of footsteps before the door is slowly open with a creak and Nagito is looking down at him. 

   The brunet breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh, Nagito, thank God you're alright. Listen, I'm really sorry about what I said, I absolutely didn't mean it! I love you the way you are-we all do now- and I love what we have! I think I'm just overstressed and overtired or something-"

   "Hajime," Komaeda interrupts, "It's. . .It's fine. I forgive you. . .Not that you were wrong of course."

   "No, Nagito, I was wrong. I was lying through my teeth. You're awesome. Okay? And you're right, we're in a loving, committed relationship, I should be going out of my way to spend time with the man in love. . .I'm going to ask Naegi for a vacation and carve out a lot of time just for us."

   Komaeda hums in agreement. "Mhm, that does sound nice, thank you, but. . ," He smirks, wrapping his arms around Hinata's waist and pulling him closer, "I think before all of that, you should really make out-ah-make things up to me."

   The brunet raises his eyebrows. "What. . ? Oh! Yeah, Yeah, that does sound nice. . ."

   Komaeda gently pulls him inside, letting the door swing shut behind them.

   . . .And I apologize for this, but both of them were silent no longer that night.

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