Chapter fourteen

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Surprise shawteyyy-
(Not proofread)

The sky looked so peaceful, like it was unbothered by the events going on below it. The white fluffy clouds that were slowly drifting over the bright blue sky seemingly unbothered.

It would be a beautiful day if I wouldn't be on a horse outside the safety of the walls trying to spot any Titans that could come near the other group of scouts.

The first expedition outside of the walls had begun, previously the commander held a short speech on how the scouts were important to search for new knowledge and bring humanity a greater chance of survival.

The formation that we are in had been discussed a whole month before actually being executed, the commander and squad leaders both had stated that they wanted this mission to be a success without loosing their soldiers. It was important that a stable route for the most crucial expedition of mankind was established.

For that I was placed on the outer side of the formation along with other 'protection' squads their job was to keep titans from entering the formation and reaching the inner squads whose job it was to cut down trees and bushes, get rid of large rocks or even titans that could ruin the route to Shiganshina. This step was important since there was an extremely large forest that was right in the middle of the way we wanted to take, if we were to ride around that forest it would add 2 days of riding until we would reach the district of Shiganshina.

Up until now I was lucky enough to not encounter a Titan as well as not seeing a single red flare in the sky, I was with two other people from my squad one being named Else a girl that I got along with quite well she was very reserved and friendly meanwhile the other person Emil the polar opposite was he was energetic and short tempered, somehow I still managed to get along with them both.

"Yo F/N don't you think it's weird that we didn't see a single flare yet..?" Else asked me.

"Don't be stupid Else that's means less work for us it's good that way don't ya think so F/N?" Emil replied harshly even though you could tell he was scared.

We all were it was our first expedition outside and we already had to go all out and protect other people's lives with our own. To say my heart was racing from anxiety was an understatement, I was scared shitless not only for myself but for my other comrades especially Jean, Sasha and Connie although the latter two were in the middle of the formation I couldn't help but feel scared.

"Ahh I don't know we should still be cautious of e-" I was rudely interrupted by the sound of a red signal flare being shot.

'A Titan and this close to us oh no..'

Even though my hands were shaking like a bitch I still managed to prepare a red flare and shoot it up so that other scouts were able to see it.

"I think it's getting closer to us we're lucky that we're in a forest area right now.."
Emil tried to reassure us even though fear was evident on his face wich grew dramatically worse as we heard heavy footsteps approaching us from afar.

"Both of you get your gear ready I think.. we have to fight.." I said my voice growing more quiet with every word. I felt my heart in my throat beating at 100 miles per hour, while my brain told me to just turn around and get away I knew that that was not an option right now I signed up for this when I entered the survey corps and I was ready not ready to die on my first expedition.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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