SnowFlake ~ by Dr. Arthur Green

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When the cool breezes
Of the twilight,
Came rushing down a lane of trees.

My heart went cold for a second
Because it was missing your presence
-acchoo! - came a little sneeze.

The little snowflake, was falling,
Falling as it was free,
The Moment was frozen
In the hearts of many like me.

The Polar bears went to sleep,
The penguins went into the sea.
Was this my plain imagination?

The birds all travelled to the north,
The cold waves grew a little stronger,
All the flying little birds I see, travelled to another nation.

The little snowflake, was falling,
Falling as it was free,
The Moment was frozen
In th hearts of many like me.

Like a teardrop, of my heart
As memories In pictures, I did find.
A snowflake like you did, forever poised my mind.

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