Prologue : Cassendre

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Center of Detroit.

A skycreeper particulary high.

And inside, five people planning the day of the superhero they all embodies. Cassandre.

It's hard, especially since they have to make sure not to be at two places at once. But also because it CAN'T stay a secret forever, so they'll have to make a choice.

It's getting hard finding excuses why somedays they look a bit different, or why they're costume is damaged one moment, and the next minute it's fine. Or why they can't use two powers at the same time.

Fortunately for them, they were smart enough to have a voice changer, and that's saying a lot

But it's still pretty funny, seeing a villain thinking they can beat them because of they're weakness, but the next time it's another person so it fails miserably.

And they get percivied as really powerful.

It doesn't change the fact it's a shitty situation.

The first one in this shit, is Natajara. She can manipulate gravity. She's graceful, she dances in the air.

The second one is Phoebe, who can manipulate dark matter. Fitting since he's the emo of the group. How nice.

The third one is Jusveer, with they're super force and durability, and they're energetic and bubbly personnality.

The fourth is Axe Crow. Yes. I know. His power name is Arsenal, he can make any weapons out of thin air. A cold man. Don't talk much.

And then there's Frost, the leader ? Not really, but he's definitely the smarter one. He have a classic power : ice. He's nice and he's the one making sure they're little thing keeps going. And let's be honest, without him it would have crumble a long time ago.

But let's go back to them arguing.


" - You do realize we'll have to tell the public AND the other heroes someday ! Declared Natajara, as she crossed her legs on the sofa. Besides, what's the worst that could happen ?

- Huh ! I don't know ! Villains would connect things, and Cassandre wouldn't mean anything anymore ! And we're not that strong on our own. Argued Phoebe while he was taping on his phone.

- Speak for yourself, I can easily be a medium to good hero ! Laughed Juveer. But yeah, be worried for you. They added, before winking.

- That's because you're not looking at the bigger picture, and can settle for mediocrity. He replied.

- Touché. Said Juveer.

- Whatever. Don't count on me today, i'm going to the gym. Said Axe crow, before leaving the building.

- Wow okay. Whispered loudly Phoebe.

- Alright quiet ! Almost shouted Frost, before sighing. Ugh.. juste say you're plans for today, we will decide the "day" of Cassandre after that. Personally, i'm going to the city all."


After a few moments, the three people who were left with Frost, answered.


"- I have to go see my boyfriend at his compagny. Said Nat after checking the time. Oh crap i'm late to the bo... Huh, bureaut.. of... my boyfriend ! Bye guys. She mumbled awkwardly before leaving, waving her hand at her super-coworkers.

- And i have nothing. Yes ! I'm late to nothing ! Quickly dropped Juveer, while leaving with a big but kinda weird smile...

- I have to go too. To go see the depht of my soul. " Whispered Phoebe.


And like the three other people who stood there before, he left. Leaving Frost alone in this big building.


" - Welp ! Guess that's it, let's go Frost ! Or should I Say Cassandre ! "


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