Chapter 1 : The day it all went out, while I was out

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Ah ! What a beautiful day for Frost.

Well, it was awful at first but now it's pretty good. And I get to be Cassandre for the day !

I started to put on my version of Cassandre costume. That's right. How did we get in this already ? By wearing roughly the same costume I think... And they was this weird guy... But I guess it worked out ? I don't know. I can't remember.

Cassandre costume is ample, not tight. We don't all have the same body type, and none of us really wanted to wear some kind of rubber suit.

I put one my voice changer, proud to say it was my idea !

That's right ! I'm Frost, the...only one with common sense.

I go outside, well, on a building roof actually. I start sliding on ice, it's a sunny day, it won't last long. I go faster. Faster. Faster ! Ah ! What a feeling ! But suddenly, i notice something on my side. Someone is on the roof, wait... It's Odon !

Oh crap, what the hell is he doing here ?! I stop, and rush at him. Full speed ! I prepare myself to hit him on the face ! But suddenly my fist hit thin air ! Crap, he dodge.

I turn back at him.

He's looking at me, with a menacing smile. His red eyes glows. He's scary...! Odon is one of the most powerful villain we EVER fight... His powers ? Super speed, super reflexes, super force and so on. He's like a super powered Jusveer ! And that's saying something !

I prepare for another attack ! I have to be quick ! I create a gitantic iceberg, and throw it on him ! That should do it. Nothing to big for you Odon ! Be proud !


"- Eh eh eh. How predictible. Says a losmw pitched and intimidating voice. Cassandre."


A shiver runs through me. He dodged again ?! I don't have time to think that my face feels an intense pain. My vision began to be fuzzy, and I can only see the iceberg I throwed in the distance fall on a.. bowling alley..?

Wait...was that Axe crow with a kid ?

Ugh, I have to concentrate ! I stand up, but I can't even do anything that Odon tore my leg and make me fall on my knees ! The pain is insuferable ! I try getting up again but it's no use.


"- Wow. Pretty weak today, huh Cassandre ? Where's that crazy force of yours ? Or your weapons ? Can't you fly ? Laughed sarcasticaly the villain.

- Shut up... " I said, weakly.


Ah ! I'm such a weakling ! Shit he's coming at me again, I try making a shield with ice but he breaks it like it wasn't even there, and his force make me fall on my back. Everything hurt... Ugh...

I have trouble keeping my eyes opens... Why did he had to be here ?! It was supposed to be a fun day ! I guess that's what it cost, being a he-, being a part of a hero...

After all I'm not a hero on my own...

I start closing my eyes, but something catch my atention. An... Origami ? What the hell. I feel myself flying in the air, and when I'm finally on the ground I see...

Axe crow with a kid ? And Natajara with bowling shoes ?? Phoebe is also here, with a shirt that says origami club ?! I turn my head softly, what the hell ? That's when I see Jusveer, who is wearing a suit, but not a super hero one. The kinds people wears to weddings ? And they have glasses ?

What are they doing here ?! And what the hell are they all...wearing ??

The worst part of they're outfits is that they all have Cassandre masks on. They look ridiculous.

My vision start going black, and the last thing I saw is them rushing to Odon...

But I only have on thought in my head.

What the fuck is happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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