chapter two

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Your pov

You wake up and see that your alarm clock did not go off 'goddamnit, what time is it?' you check the clock and see that it is 9:39. You go downstairs to see that Hizashi is gone and see a note on the counter, next to a cold egg sandwich, it read: goodmornin' (y/n), sorry I turned off your alarm clock, but you need to get your rest, I'm off to do some hero work. Remember that the exam is only a couple of weeks from now, and that you need to start training. Also l, IM A TEACHER THERE!!! Have a nice day! You pick up the sandwich, and put it in the microwave, while it is heating up, you go upstairs and get changed, you then come back downstairs and grab your sandwich, but when you put the sandwich in your mouth, you instantly throw it away 'goddamn, he's lived alone for years and still can't cook?' you go upstairs and get your jacket, but when you come back down, you see a yellow worm looking in the fridge? "What the hell?" The worm turns around and reveals a black headed man in a sleeping bag "oh, you must be the kid" the man says. "And you are?" You look at him, confused. "My name is shouta Aizawa, I've been staying here here. "Wait, are you my uncle's husband?" I didn't know Hizashi was gay! "No, we're just friends, we work together. I'm only here until I can get a new house, mine was destroyed in a villan attack" you look at look at him, then at the door it's still locked so he couldn't have broke in "ok" you turn around and leave "if my uncle gets back tell him I went to the cat cafe" you turn back to him and see a really creepy smile on his face "can I come?" He said quickly "uhhh yeah I guess" you return back around and almost instantly he is beside you, with no sleeping bag and in a black t-shirt, jeans and a ponytail 'damn he dresses fast, or he was wearing that under the sleeping bag' as you are walking you see a certain purple haired girl from a certain music store walking in your direction with her earphone jack in her phone. You pull your hood up and walk faster "what are you doing (y/n)?" Aizawa asks. He grabs your shoulder and slows you down. The girl looks up and sees you 'fuck' a look of recognition passes over her face "hey! You that asshole from the music store! And the dude who used his quirk illegally" double fuck "what? No I didn't!" Aizawa looks at you with cool eyes. The girl continues "dude, your quirk is so loud everyone on the block could hear you!" Aizawa finally speaks up "is this true (y/n)?" You silently curse yourself *sigh* "yeah, but the guy had a kni-" "that doesn't matter, you should have tried to alert the nearest law enforcement or tried to disarm him, instead, you irresponsibly used your quirk" the girl smirks "but, you didn't get hurt so I guess that's all that matters" this dude just met me and he cares about my well-being? Damn. "But what about the cops looking for him?" The girl asked" "well young lady, I am a pro hero so I think I out rule them." She smiles "really, how do I know your not lying" as if on cue, his phone rings "welp, looks like I got hero work to do" he heads back down the sidewalk and I leave for the cat cafe, and leave the girl who keeps walking behind me but looks at her phone. Fuck, she better not be going to the cat cafe. But sure enough, she was. Just to get back after her you start to hold the door open for her "weak attempt at flirti-" her sentence was cut short because you let the door close right before she walked in, causing her to walk into it. You start laughing uncontrollably "jerk!" You go sit down at a booth that already has five cats at it, and they all start to get on you, purring. You pull out your phone and see that ur mom texted you

Mammy: hey sweetie did you make it safe to Japan?

You: no the plane crashed

Mammy: WHAT?!


You: Im kidding

Mammy: oh

Mammy: well are you making friends?

You: no

Mammy: what? Why not?

You: well school hasn't started yet, and I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to become a hero. And I'm going to kick everyone's butts in the entrance exam

Mammy: ok then, I love you sweetie

You: luv u too

You put up ur phone just as the waitress gives you your coffee, you take the coffee and get up too leave. The cats meow in protest as you get up "sorry kitties, I have to go now" you look up and see the girl on the other side of the cafe, next two a girl with a black ponytail. The purple haired girl looks up to see you looking at her and you quickly look away and walk out of the cafe.

Jirous pov

"Aren't you excited for the entrance exam jirou?" Momo says smiling "yeah I gues-" I look up, and to my surprise, I see the boy from earlier staring at me. He quickly looks away and runs out the door, tripping over a cat. It takes all my strength to keep from laughing. "Who was that?" Momo says looking at where the boy used to be "just some asshole" she looks at me in confusion "how so?" I look back at her "doesn't matter" after that momo didn't say anything else for a while and just ate her food. After I was done with my breakfast, I said bye to Momo and left for home. When I opened the door, my mom and dad were gone, probably at work. I walked up the stairs and went into my room and closed the door. I layed down on my bed and thought about how I kept bumping into that boy. Why is he such an ass, and how do we keep bumping into each other, it's almost like he's following me. With my luck, I already know he's going to be at the entrance exam. Only two weeks left. I really hope I get into U.A.

Time skip to night before exam
Your pov

As i lay in bed, I stared at the ceiling fan, unable to sleep, nervous about the entrance exam tomorrow. If I don't make it, I'm going to go insane. As I lay there my cat jumped up on my bed and crawled on my lap. I began to stroke his fur as I slowly fell asleep 'Tomorrow, I pass first place'

Wow this one was short, 1161 words to be exact. I really hope people are reading this. Please do comment on any mistakes I have made and i will fix it, also please tell if you want me to add a ship to this

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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