Sorry😭(picture not mine)

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I'm sorry I haven't been updating in months. It's because of school and my mental, physical, and emotional health at the moment. I have recently been to the doctors about my strange twitching to sounds and objects. My doctor's say they are assigning me to a "special" psychiatrist.

And they also have noticed my anxiety is getting worse. They don't know why this is happening to me. But they think it's either a tumor in my brain or misophonia.

They told me what it was but I wasn't paying attention to the fact that I was twitching at sounds in the room. If you want to see what misophonia is you can look it up if you want because it's hard for me to explain.

And I'm also dealing with my stomach issues at the moment. I was also recently taken out of public school do to my health and now I'm online.

I will be posting a new book once I get everything figured out. I will be a while but please just wait for and don't forget me.😞

Bye bye everyone 😔❣️💗🖤💝❣️❣️♥️💕💞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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