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Rey's POV:

My eyes flutter open before closing shut again. They were sore and heavy, but my body was itching to leave its laying position. It was reckless, and my skin was coated in a layer of sweat. My eyes flicker open again out of curiosity, wanting to get up. Then I see him, blocking the door out of the room. 

"I'm sorry, but I had to do it," Felix says.

"Do what?" I asks, my heart rate picking up quickly. I was waiting to feel soreness in between my legs, but there was nothing. 

"Drug you. But you tried to run away, so what choice did I have?" He casually strides over to the bed, running a finger up the bottom of my right foot lightly.

I tilt my head back, shivering in response, his finger tickling my foot. But there was something else too, a part that yearned for more. He repeats the motion, I shiver again, dazed from that simple, little touch. 

"You like that?"

"Shut up," I blush bright red.

Felix chuckles, and I only blush more. 

After spending a lazy day with Felix, I had learned many things that I had been running through my mind over and over again. I had been asleep for 24 hours from the time I got drugged to the time I woke up this morning. His house was huge and he had guards all over the place. His touch made me feverish - and now I was getting ready to meet his parents.

I was sitting on the bed, putting on some black high heals that Felix's sister had lent to me. I was overtired and therefore grumpy. He was finishing up getting ready as well, pulling on his suit jacket before striding over to me and kneeling down, taking over doing up my shoes. I shiver each time his hands brush against my skin, letting him torture me slowly until my heals are done up to his satisfaction. 

"You look lovely," he looks up and into my eyes.

I blush and bite my lip, looking down. He grips my chin gently, forcing me to look up at him. I try to pull away, but his hand stays on my chin. 

"I mean it," he says before his lips touch mine softly, turning into a sweet kiss that I can't say no to. 

He pulls away slowly, smiling softly at me. Then he leans back in, our lips touching again, and this kiss becomes more intense than the last one. We're on the bed in seconds, his hands tugging tightly on my dress, my hands on the collar of his crisp white shirt. But I still had every right to be mad at him, he kidnapped and drugged me after all. Suddenly I become angry, scratching at his chest. I wanted him off of me, he wasn't going to trick me into this, not now, not ever. 

"Get off!" My voice is hoarse, tears starting to flow.

Then he's off, and on the other side of the room, away from the door. I sit up, trying my best to glare at him. 


"Go to hell!" I yell, storming out of the room, making my way to the stairs. He follows me.

"What did I do?! It felt like you were enjoying it!"

I stop in my tracks, spinning around to face him, "How am I supposed to trust you after what you did to me? You took me away from my family, you drugged me..."

"You deserve so much more-"

"Yeah, I know."

"No, you don't. You don't know the whole story."

"Tell me then," I say.

"It's not an easy story to tell. We can talk after we're done dinner with my parents. Let's go before we're late."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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