how the fuck do i describe myself

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Society says that my life has a purpose. For some people it is sports, or art, or dance, or debating. I'm still confused on how to find this passion, the thing that drives you, what makes you, you. I'm painfully average. Everything I do I'm decent at, but I have never excelled. I've been dancing since I was 2 but I know I'm not good enough to go anywhere with it. I'm stuck at an average level, in an average place, with average people. I don't have a knack for anything, or stand out in a particular area. I'm just me. One question I hate is, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I'm not great at anything, so how do I figure it out? When I was six I wanted to be a marine biologist, when I was 10 I wanted to be an engineer, when I was 13 I wanted to be an author, at 14 I wanted to be a forensic scientist. There are so many options, so many things I can be, but nothing I am good at being. "Describe yourself," they say. Do I tell them the honest truth? A confused student who is driven by "I have to" rather than "I want to." I'm pretty good at reading people, I know what people are like by talking to them. Of course, I don't know the whole picture, but I can get a vibe of who they are. I can look at myself in the mirror for hours, weeks, years, but I have no idea who I am. I feel like Vagabond, moving from thing to thing, nothing is important enough for me to stay. I spend my days reading, putting myself in another world where I have no problems. I read about people with a purpose, people who so clearly belong. I wish I could hop into a book and have my whole story written out for me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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