Communication Breakdown

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This is my first story for Sk8 The Infinity.
It's a story where Reki and Langa make up but talk about the reasons for their breakup in more detail. I didn't like how Reki didn't explain anything to Langa, so I fixed that.

The story begins in episode 10 when Tadashi hits Reki with his car with the difference that Langa finds him and takes care of him.
The story was written before episode 11 and 12 had been released.

Langa stared at the elevator doors that had just closed again. He had only seen a flash of red, but he was certain that he had just seen Reki in that elevator...


"What's up?", Joe asked while Langa kept staring at the already closed elevator doors. 

"I think Reki was here just now.", Langa answered absentmindedly, wondering if he had imagined that...

Before Joe had the chance to answer, Langa was heading for the stairs. Maybe he could catch up to Reki when he hurried. He opened the door and ran down as fast as he could.

When he had finally reached the entrance, he saw him. Reki had just exited the hospital and was running around a corner, skateboard in hand. He saw Miya standing there, frozen up and staring at the doors of the entrance with wide eyes as if not believing what had just happened. Langa wondered what that was about but realized he didn't have time for that now when he wanted to catch up to Reki. Just as he was about to round the corner, he heard an impact. It sounded like a body hitting the hood of a car. He ran around the corner but arrived too late. He heard the screeching tires, the familiar skateboard lying in the middle of the street.  And ... Reki's unconscious form lying in front of the car.

"Reki!", Langa screamed in horror and immediately ran to him, checking his breathing and looking for injuries.

The driver got out of the car, too, and joined him. Langa had the feeling that he had seen him somewhere before, but for now, he couldn't figure it out. However, that wasn't important right now.

"Is he fine? I haven't hit him hard, so he should only have some bruises. Is there a way you can forget this incident? I don't want my employer to learn of this. Here's some money as compensation." The guy handed him an envelope with more money than he had ever seen before. He stared at it for a moment in awe.

For a fraction of a second, Langa was tempted to take the money. His mom was working hard, and he wanted to support her. That money would make life easier for them. Still, when he looked at Reki, he realized taking it would be wrong. Reki would have knocked the envelope out of that person's hand without thinking twice. So, he shook his head.

"Don't worry; we won't sue you. Just drive him and me home. That's all I want."

"Fine with me. Where do you live?", the guy asked before pocketing the envelope again.

While Langa talked to the guy, Reki had gotten up, rejecting Langa's hand that he had extended to help him up.

"I'm fine. I had worse injuries while skateboarding." He picked up his skateboard and left without another word. Without even looking at him...

We're not a good match anymore.

Langa wondered if it was even possible to make up, to mend their friendship. Yeah, he had broken his promise, but he'd do anything to get his cheerful friend back...

While he had been lost in thought, Reki had walked away from the scene. However, he only got a few meters further before his knees gave way. Langa ran to him, catching him at the last second before hitting the ground.

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