thirteenth day.

149 24 8

Oh how lucky.

Jacob's sports teacher cannot come today so his class can leave early. So damn lucky.

Its not like Jacob hates sports, its just, more free time, you know?

I mean, who wouldn't like to leave early?

Yeah sure Jacob has to wait for Kevin, but let me ask you, does he mind?

And the answer is obviously no.

Jacob went straight back to his classroom after one of the teacher announced that his sports teacher was sick and couldnt come today.

He went to his desk and packs his things immediately before rushing out of the classroom.

Honestly, he doesnt know why is he rushing. But eh, Jacob is Jacob.

Jacob headed to a convenience store near the school first before actually going to Kevin's class.

He bought Kevin a carton of milk, for more information, its banana flavoured.

He also bought himself one too.

Before he runs back to the school, he took a sticky note and wrote ' Moodbooster. I know your last class sucks so here '.

He runs back to the school right after and heads to Kevin's class.

Jacob knows that Kevin was perfectly seated beside a window. Yes, the window was placed beside the hallways.

Kevin usually closes the windows. And so was today. Since the window was placed beside the hallways, not outside, he easily gets distracted by the sound of students running.

But lucky for him, all classes ends (Except for Jacob's class) at the time his class ends so.

Well, not until he heard a knock from the window.

When he opened the window, he saw Jacob, crouching down and hands him a carton of milk.

Kevin smiles before grabbing it. Jacob smiles when Kevin accepted it.

Kevin hurriedly places the milk behind his pencil case so it wont noticeable for the teacher.

"What are you doing here, you're supposed to be in class" Kevin whispered in a quiet voice.

Still audible for Jacob, but not his classmates.

"The teacher's sick" Jacob whispered back, earning a small nod from the younger.

"Whats the milk for then?"

"The reason is on the note"

Kevin nods once again before looking at the carton of milk.

But there were no notes on it.

Kevin looks back at Jacob, "There's no note..?"

"Turn it around then"

And Kevin did as what was said. He turned the carton around and found the note.

Kevin smiled when he reads it.

"Thank yo-" Kevin said as he looks at Jacob. But was cut off by his teacher.

"Moon Kevin. Is the window so attractive to stare at rather than paying attention to my class?" His teacher said with anger in his voice. (Well, yes, because Jacob was there)

Kevin lets out a small gasped before looking back at the front class, well, he now gets stares from his classmates.

Oh God.

"Sorry sir.. it wont happen again"

"I'll give you a second chance. And if I find you staring at that attractive window of yours, I will give you detention"

Oh now thats pure luck. The "I'll give you a second chance" I mean.

"I'll stay here. I need to do my homework, so dont worry about me having to wait long" Jacob whispered as he sits down on the cold marbled floor.

Kevin knows he couldnt answer. Or else, that one classmate of his will tell the teacher.

Well, she's an annoying teacher's pet after all. Especially after getting caught, she will.. highly stare at you until she's sure you're not gonna do it again.

Yea, she's that annoying.

But eh, no one really care about her so, fair enough.

- 🗒 : Stream The Boyz's Kingdom Perfomance!!

As an hour passed, Kevin's class has finally come to an end. And so did Jacob's homework.

Nice timing. I know.

Once the bell rings, Kevin hurriedly packs his things. But the milk remains on the table because he wants to drink it later.

He zips his backpack, pushed his chair back in, shoved his backpack onto his shoulder and grabbed his milk.

Kevin yeeted himself out of class after. Not caring enough to look at anybody else and tell them that he's going now.

And as he expected, Jacob was already beside his classroom's door.

"Thanks for the milk Jacob, I couldn't say it properly earlier.. sorry haha.."

"Its fine, shall we go now?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah sure!"

They both started walking to Kevin's dorm. Its like a routine now honestly.

And none of them have ever got tired of it.

And when they arrived at Kevin's dorm, Kevin started to tell Jacob about his day today.

And Jacob was happy on how the younger one started to open up to him even more.

Kevin told Jacob on what happened today. From Jackson, his science partner, greeted him with : "Hello, you know what it is, Annyeonghaseo", to how badly he hates Huinji (The teacher's pet).

And Jacob just laughed at the last part.

The way Kevin describe Huinji was like, funny. He kept on complaining from this to that.

Well, I would do the same honestly (lmao).

After telling stories to each other, they btoh stopped to eat dinner. And today's menu was : Ramen. Simple yet yummy.

And when dinner's over, Jacob went back to his dorm in a hurry since they've been telling stories for hours.

And Jacob can proudly say that today went well.


Yes, I changed the story name.

(Stream The Boyz's Kingdom Performanceeeeeeeeeeee)


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