Klee Goes Easter Egg Hunting

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The sun was shining, the streets were crowded with people. It was such a nice, warm, sunny day. Traveler (Lumime/Aether) and Paimon walk through Mondstadt's gates and see how beautiful the city looks today. Traveler smiles.

"Woah.. the streets are bustling with people!" Paimon exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's so nice, isn't it?" Traveler spoke.
Amber ran up to the traveler.

"Oh! Long time no see, traveler." Amber said.

"Amber! Hello!" Paimon said.
"Hello, Amber." Followed traveler.

"Are you and Paimon enjoying the Windblume Festival?"

"Certainly," traveler smiled. "We've been able to help out so many people, including the Anemo Archon, Venti."

"Cool! I overheard Jean saying that you are the Windblume Star this year!"

"That's correct."

Somewhere in the distance behind Amber, a child's giggle was heard. It was Klee! Jean and Kaeya decided to give Klee an Easter surprise by hiding eggs around. It appears that she only had found two in her red basket.

Paimon noticed Klee. "Oh, look! It's Klee! Let's go say hi." Paimon, Traveler, and Amber went to go walk towards Klee's direction. Jean was walking with Klee.

"Hello, Amber. Hello Traveler." Jean said.

"Hello Jean!" Paimon replied.

"This year I decided to give Klee a little easter egg hunt. She's doing well. I told her not to use her bombs to find them," Jean sighed. "It appears she's already broken that rule.."

Klee was doing exactly what she wasn't supposed to be doing. "Aha!" She found another egg.

"Klee, I said no bombs."

Paimon and Amber giggled. "Hopefully things go well for you and Klee!"

Klee turned around. "Traveler!!" She ran and gave Traveler a big hug. "I'm going egg hunting. Do you wanna help me?"

Traveler smiled. "Of course."


"Oh, thanks Traveler. I'm sure she'll listen to you about the 'no bomb' rule more than she will me." Jean smiled.

"It's not a problem." Traveler went to go join Klee. Amber and Jean stayed to talk.

Klee found another one by Good Hunter. "Traveler!! Look!! Another egg!"

"Good job!!" Paimon says. "Let's look for more!"

After some time, Klee and Paimon + Traveler had found all but one egg. They were sure they looked everywhere, well, the Traveler and Paimon at least. Mondstadt was a pretty big city, so it's easy to understand why they could of missed one.

"Traveler!! What if we should look for eggs inside buildings?" Klee said.

"Klee, I don't think that there would be any eggs inside of buildings."

"Ooh! What if we go ask Kaeya?" Paimon suggested.

"Kaeya was the one who set it up too, what if he spoils the secret!"

"What if me and Traveler go? Then, you won't have to hear the secret."

"Okay!! I trust you guys!" Klee jumped up and down. Paimon and Traveler went to where Kaeya was, which was the Knights of Favonius headquarters. "Captain Kaeya!" Paimon said as she opened the door.

"Ah, Paimon and Traveler. What do you need?" He looked up.

"Klee and I, plus the Traveler, are having a hard time finding the last egg. Do you think you could give us a hint?"

Easter in MondstadtOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz