Time to change

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"My mom is a super woman." Her son said

Teacher, "Really? but how?"

"She drives a car like a racer, plays soccer like a champ, cooks yummy food, and hugs me like no one."

His answer brought a thunder of clap in the small audience that was none other than his classmates and their mothers or caretakers. It was a event held by the school "Who do you like as  superman or superwoman?" and he had chosen his mother as a superwoman when many held the banners of famous celebrities. His words just had her in a rim of tears and the mind took her on a tour of her own life a few years back.

The bus ride wasn't rough enough than walking in the sun some days, but standing all day long took a toll on her. Today wasn't the first day, it was the routines of her life.She was lucky enough to have a job in the same college office to make some money while attending it.

Her childhood was remarked with this alacrity  that every problem has a solution. A right mindset can bloom and manifest a healthy outcome.She learned all these from her mother and grandmother who were her role models. But no one faced what she had to because of her divorce.

She never wanted this to happen but husband never wanted to take this burden anymore. Moving on was not a choice now. Her son, who was sitting down playing with his toys and smiled at her when his father closed the door on them. A wave of fear reign in her momentarily, but little fella brought her back with his innocent voices.

 His smile, a streak of fierceness that showed her the innocence in beliefs. He had a belief that his smile, he will bloom the love of a mother, then how come she was losing this belief ?

Moving to her mother's house was to keep her son's smile alive and pure. Finishing education in finance and got a job in a bank wasn't easy but her smile never left her lips. Steering the life without being intimidated by shackles of any kind, she was happy.

She waved at her son while grabbing a chair. She laughed a little harder when her son disclosed her as a ghost because she could see him even she was not in his room, could find things when he didn't even remember. His words brought many facets of her as a mother which she didn't know ever existed before.

They are not kidding when they say that mothers are strong women. We need to be strong in more ways than our children will ever know."
― M.B. Antevasin


This short story shows us a pride of a woman who stood out alone with her determination.

As someone said...

"Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water." –

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