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Gombe state, Nigeria
15th August, 1989

As the bride held the corpse of her beloved in her arms, tears of sadness, grief and disbelief cascaded down her cheeks. Her heart ached terribly, like it had been ripped. she felt then that for her to smile wholeheartedly ever again, her soul would have to depart from her body and meet that of her husband's in the valleys of Jannah and for that she had to be patient.

As she felt a light contraction in her abdomen, she bit on her quivering lips to stop the heart wrenching cries that almost managed to escape from them.
It kicked, that was the first time it did. It was as if it also knew of the tragedy that had occurred.

She rested her eyes on her husband's shut pale ones and gave a sad smile, those same ones that always opened when she looked, didn't today. With trembling hands she delicately picked his and gently placed it above her abdomen, he didn't even know that he was about to become a father.

He would never get to hold a part of the both of them in his arms, He would never get to hear the cries and giggles of a part of him and her,their bundle of joy would not get to be raised by this great man, their child would have to grow without a father figure in its life and she would have to live a life without her life in it. for these reasons, she broke down right in the embrace of her beloved for the last time.

As broken as she felt, she got a hold of herself although unable to stop the tears that had blurred her vision, she felt as though a blanket of tranquility was wrapped over her when she remembered that Her Lord would never burden her morethan her soul would be able to take and when The Creator of her soul had assured her of this then who was she to ask 'how?' And during those trying times she looked up in the sky knowing Her Lord was above His Throne, knowing Her Lord had not abandoned her, knowing that this test if she passes it might be her ticket to Jannah she muttered an "Alhamdulillah" and then "Innalillahi wa inna illaihir raji'oon".

Then and there she decided to keep the biggest truth of her life buried, for the betterment of the one whom she would love morethan she's ever loved. But as the sands of time drops, will a wind blow through all that is buried to reveal the depth? The sands will keep dropping no matter what, that is for sure. But no matter how the sands may drop, there are things that can just never be buried, she thought... but this one had to, it just had to.

Assalamu Alaikum 💕 Hello guys, hope you're all in the best of state and Iman? This draft has been here since... I can't remember when hehe. I hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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