FFMBBF - Epiloque

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Luke's POV - 4 years later

Quietly easing my way out of bed, trying not to wake Syd in the process, I saw my jeans flung over the back of the chair in our room. Leaving the room, I made my way down the hallway before opening the door to my destination.

Crouching down by the bed I whispered, "Aiden, come on buddy it's time to wake up." Gently shaking his shoulder, I watched as he tiredly opened his eyes. "Daddy, why up uper earlyy?" He asked, his eyes squinted as he stretched. "So that we can make mummy breakfast and get her presents, did you forget it's mummy's birthday?!" I teased, smiling at him as he sat up and looked over, then looked back at me asking if he was aloud to do something.

Sighing, I nodded slightly. "But only today, little man, and don't make too much noise!"
Grinning, he stood on his bed. "Daddy, hep m' f'y." He whispered. Grabbing hold of his waist, i lifted him into the air as he jumped of the bed before he landed. "Be nice, Aiden." I reminded. "And not to loud."

"APRIL! APRIL! GET UP! GET UP! IT'S MUMMYS BIRDAY, COME MAKE BREKAST WITH US! APRIL WAKE UP!" He started jumping on the bed and screaming before I could stop him. "Aiden! Shh you'll wake mummy." I reminded, he looked at me innocently with his wide, innocent eyes. "I'm sowwy, daddy."

"Daddy!" I heard a delicate little voice call.

"Hey angel, you wanna come help make mummy a birthday breakfast?" I asked, watching he sit up and hold her arms out. Picking her up as she nodded I carried her to the kitchen quietly while Aiden followed.

Firstly, we put all the presents and the cards on the table before I placed the tray next to them and started cooking the bacon while Aiden was making the toast and April was bringing in some eggs very slowly so that she didn't drop any of them. Waiting for the bacon to be cooked I watched as my two 3 year olds fought over who was going to butter Sydney's bread.

"Guys, look there is two pieces! Aiden you butter this piece and April can butter this piece. There is more than on knife but be careful with them they are sharp and can hurt you." Handing them the blunt butter knives. I was only telling them they were sharp so that they knew they couldn't play with them.

Placing the bacon on a tray and putting it in the oven to keep it warm, I started cooling two eggs in the same pan. Syd loved the taste of the egg when it had been cooked in all the bacon grease and fat but she didn't have it very often because of how bad it is for you.

Looking over, I saw the twins were buttering Syd's bread with their tongues hanging out in concentration as they tried to make it even.
A small giggle came from the doorway and I spun around to see my beautiful wife standing before me, covering her mouth.

"No! Mummy 'posed to be sweeping!" The twins screamed in unison.
"Yeah, mummy supposed to be sleeping." i repeated looking at Syd in one of my shirts, her baby bump stretching it a little.

"Mummy?! Why you not asweep?!" April asks in her small voice, a small frown on her face.
"I was woken up by some screaming but decided to give it a few minutes before seeing what all the noise was about." Syd explained going to walk further into the kitchen she looked from the twins to me and I gently shook my head telling her not to, she still hadn't seen the presents.

"Aiden, daddy told you not to be to loud. You so silly!" April glared at her twin, who looked sad at what he had done. "I'm sorry mummy." Aiden replied.

Syd put on a thinking face for a minute tapping her chin. "Oh, well I guess I could go back to bed and wait, I haven't really seen anything after all. Will that be alright if I go back to bed?" She asked the twins who eagerly nodded their heads. She giggles again before turning around and going back up the stairs.

The twins immediately started doing the bread and butter again while I turned back to the cooked bacon and put it on Syd's plate, then put it in the oven to keep warm. I cooked the egg and then the twins helped me set out the plate. Once we were finished, we filled a glass with orange juice and placed the food on a tray while Aiden and April carried the cards and presents.

Gently pushing the bedroom door open, I noticed Syd was pretending to sleep. Aiden and April immediately ran to the bed and jumped on it. Not wanting to ruin their fun, Syd slowly started to move in the bed, rubbing her eyes and looking around the room. "Oh, good morning my little munchkins p. What's all this?" She asked.

"Happy Birthday Mummy!" The twin shouted together. Ushering me to bring the food closer. I let Syd sit up comfortably before resting the tray on her lap and resting my hand on her bump as I kissed her forehead. "Happy Birthday Star!" I whispered.

"Thank you." She smiled, eating her breakfast, praising the twins on their toast and opened her cards and presents.

Looking around the room I couldn't have been happier, these three plus the little one to come were my family...and I would go through everything again to get the same result.


Hey guys,

That's it, this book is finished. There may be a sequel but I need to think of a plot and what to call it.

Thank you so much for reading this book.

fan, comment, vote :)

-Brooke x

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