Best Feeling Ever

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"Lola, Calum, I'm sorry for Luke's actions. I just don't know what's gotten into him." My dad says with a disappointed look on his face. "It's fine Mr. Hemmings." Calum says. "Thank you for dinner, it was great."

"Anytime. But son, I can't cook for crap! This was all Liz's setup." He says with a laugh Calum and I laugh along.

"So can I stay here?" I ask changing the subject. "Yes, of course honey! You know you're always welcomed here!" My dad says with a smile. "Well I should go see what your mother is up to. I don't want her going too easy on Luke." My dad says laughing to himself and walks out of the room.

"Well, that didn't goes as planned." I say to Calum giving his hand a squeezed. "Yeah." He says looking at his lap.

"What?" I ask him. "What?" He asks back. "There's something wrong. Tell me." I command him. "It's nothing." Calum says starting to get up to put his plate away. I stop him by grabbing his arm giving him a look that says you better fucking tell me.

"Okay. Well I feel bad seeing Luke like this because of me. I just feel like he is really mad at me. And I can't stand anyone being mad at me, let alone Luke." Calum says sitting back down, I copy him. "Oh Calum. Luke is just over reacting, he'll get over this, over himself sooner or later." I explain trying to make him feel better. "It really doesn't seem like it." He says with a sigh. "Calum if you are this worried about Luke, go talk to him." I say not knowing what I said until I said it. "Okay." Calum says getting back up and leaving the room to go find Luke. And well that was that.

Calum's P.O.V.

When I leave the dining room, I head upstairs to Luke's room. When I'm walking up, Luke's parents are walking down. "Is Luke in his room?" I ask them well I stop walking up as they stop walking down. "Yes he is, but he isn't in the best mood honey." Lola's mom says. "Yeah probably. But I need to talk to him." I say. "Go ahead." She says as they continue to walk downstairs. And I continue to walk back up.

"Luke?" I say knocking on his door and leading myself in. "Go away Calum." Luke says giving me a dirty look. "No. We need to fix this." I say sitting down on his bed. "You're too stubborn." Luke says getting up from his bed and turning on his X-Box.

When Luke is mad he usually plays video games. I guess to calm himself down. "Can I play?" I ask. In response Luke tosses me a controller. I guess that's a yes.

We end up playing FIFA, and Luke is surprisingly kicking my ass. I'm usually the good one at this game, but not today. He must be really mad. "Damn Luke. Kicking my ass." I say with a laugh. He doesn't even resapond, not even a laugh.

"Luke, I'm sorry." I don't even know what I'm apologizing for but it's a start. But of course there is still no response.

"I told you to stay away from her." He finally says after a good ten minutes. "But you just can't say that. You know I really like your sister a lot." I say. "I don't want you to hurt her Calum. You're going to end up hurting her, and she doesn't need that." Luke says starting to press the buttons on his control hard.

"Lola doesn't need her brother telling her what to do and lying to her. I'm not going to hurt Lola, Luke. Why can't you trust that?" I say trying to defend myself. And of course he doesn't respond.

"I can't do anything to stop you two. So what's the point in even trying." Luke says after twenty minutes this time. Finally giving in, kind of.

One Month Later

Lola's P.O.V.

"Lola Marie Hemmings." When I hear them call my name I'm freaking out inside. This is the best feeling ever.

I walk up to the stage and I go over to my principal, shake his hand, and grab my diploma. My high school freaking diploma. Finally. Fucking finally!

When the ceremony is over, I go over to find my family. I'm so happy Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton could make it. They barely did but they're here.

When I get over to where everyone was sitting they all come over to me ,and basically trample me. "You did it little sis!" Luke says with the biggest smile. "Yeah babe! I'm so fucking proud of you. You nerd!" Calum says kissing me on my cheek. Calum and I have been going a month strong. It's just real good, really good.

I look over to Luke and he still has this big smile on his face, it makes me smile also. Luke is getting used to the fact that Calum and I are boyfriend, girlfriend. Calum still didn't tell me what happened that day when Luke freaked out, and Calum went to go talk to him. But it worked.

Everything really seems to be going great. This has really been a good year for me. Besides the fact that I was "crazy" for a few months. Other than that it has been amazing.

"Let's go back to the house. We ordered pizza, we just have to go pick it up." My dad says putting his arm around me. And hey my dad and my relationship has gotten better too! Everything is going great. "Okay. We'll go in my car, and you guys will pick up the pizza? Unless you want us to?" Ashton suggests getting his keys out of his pockets. "No. We got it honey." My mom says. And with that they leave to go get the pizzas. And we head to Ashton's car.

Before we leave the campus I look back at my old high school. "Goodbye." I say with a middle finger flipping it off. "What was that for?" Calum says with a laugh as I get in the van sitting next to him. "For all the hell it put me through." I say buckling up.

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