Chapter eleven: Can't sleep?

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Emery's POV

My eyes flutter open to see only darkness, soon enough though my eyes adjust to the darkness. I can see that i'm in a motel room. How did I get here, last thing I remember I was still in the car watching the sun set. Now i'm here? Odd. I look over to my right to see that Aurelia was sleeping next to me. Then I look over to my left, I see another bed but there was no one in it. Where was Weylin? I got up slowly so as to not wake Aurelia up. First I go into the washroom. Nope, he wasn't there. So I go outside of the room. We were on the second floor so I looked out over the railing. It was an outdoor motel, so I just looked up at the sky. I couldn't really see the stars like I could in the woods or at the farm, but it was still pretty. Then I looked down off the railing to see that there was a pool down stairs, and that someone was in it. Maybe it was Weylin. I walk down the stairs and head over to the pool. Yup it was him. I'm not sitting on the edge of the pool. I roll up my pants so that I can let my feet dangle in the water. He was swimming laps so he didn't even notice me until he had stopped. "Starings rude you know princess." I remove my gaze off of him to now just look at my legs in the water. My cheeks were now a bright red again. God, why did he have this affect on me? I hated it, it felt wrong. I think wherever I came from I wasn't allowed to get close to any one, or at least I didn't let myself. So why him, why was it so easy for him to break down my walls that I work so hard to put up? "What are you doing up?" I ask not to remove my gaze from my legs. "Couldn't sleep, needed to clear my head." he replied now making his way over to me. "You thought to bring a swimsuit?" I asked with a slight giggle. "No, I'm in my boxers." he replies causing my already red cheeks to redden even further. "So why are you up?" He asks. "Couldn't fall back asleep." I said. As I stared at my legs I became more and more aware of all the little scars that I had. Some were like incisions, others looked as if a tube had cut into my skin. Without even noticing I feel a tear slip down my cheek. Weylin raises his arm out of the water wiping away the tear. His thumb was ruff but the skin of his palm was soft and warm. It was quite comforting, I find myself leaning into his touch. "Emery?" I finally look back up to meet Weylins gaze. "Ya?" "Can I ask you something?" I just nod in response. "Why are you so insistent not to let anyone care for you? Why do you feel the need to push people away?" I think for a moment. "I don't know exactly, I think in my past life. You know before I met you guys. I think that I was abused a lot and I don't think any one loved me. So I guess I push everyone away because I choose to get rid of anything that can hurt me." I say plainly. For a moment Weylin just stays silent. He was now out of the water sitting next to me. "You know what I think?" He asks me, I can see the smik begin to appear on his face. "I know i'm going to regret saying this. But what?" "I think... That you need to lighten up. I think you're stiff." I give him an over exaggerated reaction making myself look as hurt as possible but obviously still sarcastic. "You wound me." I say putting my fist to my chest acting as if I had been stabbed. Weylin just laughs in response. "I can have fun!" I say in defence. "Oh ya? Name one time you had fun?" I was silent for a little while, but then I had an idea. I began to grin from ear to ear. "Right now!" I say pushing him back into the water, making a big splash. He comes back up spitting out water and laughing. "Oh come one man." he says. I offer my hand as if to help him out. He looked at me and for a split second before he grabbed it I knew I was going to regret offering my hand. Soon enough he had pulled me into the water. I decided to play a little prank on him, scaring him a little bit. When I get pulled in I choose to just not come back up. I let myself sink to the bottom of the pool, letting out all of my air. For a moment nothing happened but soon enough as I expected he had come down into the water grabbing hold of me and pulling me to the surface. I make sure my eyes stay closed and I make sure that my breathing is shallow. "Emery?!" I hear him yell. "Emery this isn't funny if you're joking?!" I decide to lay alone for a little while longer, going limp in his hands. "Come on Emery, wake up. I can't lose you, please." I opened my eyes "aww I didn't know you cared so much." I say as I begin to laugh. I can see that his eyes had started to tear up. "Don't do that!" he yells playfully hitting my arm. We both stay there for a moment laughing. I was still in his arms but I didn't make any movement to go out of them. I look into his eyes, god they were beautiful. They were bluer than the sea, and they sparkled in the night. My arms were wrapped around his neck, one hand clasped around his neck the other tangled in his hair. All the sudden I feel myself inch closer to him. I could now feel his hot breath mix with mine.

Weylins POV

"Don't do that!" I yell at her playfully hitting her arm. She was still in my arms but I didn't make any movement to let her go. One of my arms holding onto her legs that were wrapped around my waist the other at the small of her back. I looked into her grey eyes, they were absolutely gorgeous. Everything about her was gorgeous. I find myself looking from her eyes down to her lips. Even those were perfect. All the sudden I feel myself inching closer to her, ouf faces only inches away from each other.

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