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Gary Smith has lived within an abusive family for years

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Gary Smith has lived within an abusive family for years. His grandfather thrown in a mental institution, his father neglectful of him as well as his mother. Therefore he takes joy in tormenting others and manipulating people behind their backs. Always hoping that he'd get them finished first before they finish him.

Gary is sociopathic. Taking the meds his therapist gave him it made him feel irritable, erratic, and he hated it. But upon stopping he becomes overly paranoid and unstable. Letting the sociopathic tendencies take over making him contribute to strong acts of manipulating both kids and adults, stealing, vandalism, assault and attempt of murder.

Gary sees himself 'ruling an empire'. Seeing himself as so smart that he could manipulate everyone into listening to him by spreading false rumors about other students he believes would be a nuisance to him or making fake promises to students to obtain more power for himself. That..or beat them into submission without an ounce of mercy.

Gary loves the concept of world war two. Self identifying himself as a 'follower of Hitler'. Going so far as to dress himself up as a Nazi on holloween with a whip that teachers use to 'whip students into shape'. Using it on some students during the holiday and even teachers of the unfortunate and pathetic varieties.

Gary obtained his scar over his eye from his father being drunk. Getting into a fist fight with him which resulted in his father going to jail for a few months for child abuse. In many ways Gary blames his parents for the way he acts and the ADD he has. Believing that if his parents were better at their jobs of being parents. He wouldn't be the way he was now.

Gary absolutely hates all of the cliques and their leaders

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Gary absolutely hates all of the cliques and their leaders. But out of all of them he hates the Preps the most. Condescending and absolutely ridiculous with their inbreeding and fancy sports of boxing. Gary hates Derby the most and he by all means isn't afraid to share his disgust of him. Willing enough to beat him down himself and knock some sense into him by saying the fight he lost wasn't a draw but a hard loss and he would no doubt lose again.

Gary isn't afraid to get his hands dirt and enjoys getting into fights but mostly enjoys causing fights between two factions. Such as the preps and the greasers. Or the jocks and the nerds. Playing pranks on them yo cause drama between them that adds to the entertainment in his sociopathic mind.

Gary will spit in anyone's face. Adult or otherwise. He will show them who is on top and who has the upper hand in a fight by taunting them outright and really making it hurt for them.

His birthday is August 4th

Despite his narsasisstic behavior and sociopathic nature he hates it when people are nice to him. All he ever experienced as a child growing up was constant abuse and believes he doesn't deserve to be liked or loved. He deserves to be hated. If you're patient enough with him he will open up more to burst into tears instantly.

>More to be added later<

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