'Diary full of secrets'

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Y/N's POV:

   I had just finished my shift again but today it wasn't as exhausting as usually there wasn't as many customers which was kind of good because all i did was sit back and talked with my work friends, after the time hit 5:00 i rushed out of the store to my shared apartment with dabi, i just couldn't wait to throw myself onto my bed and watch Netflix.

Finally i had arrived home, the house was dead silent so i was concerned but when i unlocked the from door there was no dabi in my eye sight so i look through each room but dabi wasn't here so i thought he had gone out or something so as i opened my door i find dabi on my bed with my....MY DIARY.what was he doing with MY DIARY! NO NO NO NO GOD NO PLEASE TELL ME HE HASNT READ ALL OF IT, OMG I WROTE HOW I FELT ABOUT HIM IN THAT! "D...dabi...what are you doing going through my stuff....t-thats my diary....." i spoke
"Mhm i felt abit cocky today and thought i should but jeez this diary has erm...a lot of.....secrets" he said chuckling
"DABI GET OUT!" I shouted at him and he just carried on to laugh
"Aww calm down doll face, dont you worry i didnt read all of it but by your face i can see that there's more and that i should read it right" he said smirking , DID HE SAY HE DIDN'T READ IT ALL. Oh...my...god.....PHEW!
"H-how much of it did you read- i asked him
"Just the first page"(he lies he read it all)
"Okay good now get out fo my room and never do this again i like my privacy,please!" I said as he got up and i slapped his arm gently
"Sorry doll face, your just full of secrets that you don't share"he said snickering
"Shut up, as if you have no secrets in fact i bet you have a lot more secrets than i have ever had in my life" i spat back
"Maybe i do maybe i dont what is it to you" he said as he left the room
"Shut up and get dinner ready as you promised because I'm starvinggggg" i shout across the house all i get ids groan with makes me giggle and then i immediately shut the door and freak out in my head
W-what if he's lying
Did he read it
I bet he thinks I'm stupid
What if he feels the same way?
Why do i feel like this when I'm around him , as i throw myself on my bed i mentally slap my face , why am i like this.....i know i like him but i just feel like il get abandoned again, but i don't want to , not by dabi at least , because if i get abandoned again there isn't going to be another dabi that could help me , god why am i so I love with him? I met his roughly about a week ago and I'm already in love with him? Ugh god.

As i have a mental breakdown the smell of Chinese take-away hits my nose and I immediately shot up from my bed and slam my door to see dabi with food "YESSSS exactly what i wanted" I say with a huge smile "my baby come here" i say to the Chinese
"Is that to me or the food?" Dabi questions
"The food of course" i say as i get a box out of his hands
"Why not me " he questions which makes me laugh
"Why would it be you" i question as i get the drinks and cups but all i get is a shrug, does he want me to call him that or something?
As we both dig into the delicious food in front of us he speaks again
"So...how was work?" He asks which shocks me as he never asks
"It was actually good today, we didn't have many customers so it wasn't as exhausting as it usually would be" i answer back
"Good,anyways after this I'm going to meet the league you can come along too if you want" he says so casually which my eyes widen because i didn't expect him to ask me to hand out with them, wow he must trust me a lot lol
"What will you guys be doing?" I ask
"Nothing like literally nothing just sitting in this room thats boring, u can come to make it a lil different atleast" he says as he finished the food in front of him and puts his usual long dark blue jacket on
"Yea sure give me a minute" i say as i get my coat and put the food waste in the bin and we both go out walking to where the others are ment  to be .

We arrive at this which seems dead quite but then dabi knocks a few times and toga shouts "Wait a moment!" And then she rushed to the door opening to door to see dabi and i at the door and he immediately hugs me and i hug her back
"Bestie hey!!!! I missed you, i didn't think you would be coming here to!" She basically shouts at me and drags me inside where i see a bar where shigaraki is siting at and twice is just sitting down on the sofa and dabi groans behind me and toga drags me to sit next to her and i do so, i look back to see dabi leaning against the wall just watching.
"Let's play a game!" Toga yell which brings my attention back to her
"What game" i ask
"TRUTH OR DARE!come on dabi,twice and u shigi" she yells again
I shrug my shoulders as a yes and the others sit around us to play too
"Right I'm asking first , this will be juicy" she smirks and i have a feeling this going to end up awkward
"Twice!!" Toga yells and twice hums as in a response
"Do you like anyone" she asks which makes his eyes widen but he shakes his head to say no
"Uhh your boring, right twice you ask next!"

"Right, shigaraki" twice says with a grin
"What you idiot" shigaraki answers back
"Who is your favourite in the room" he asks and toga giggles
"Myself" he answers coldly which was the expected answer lol

"Dabi.." he says in a low voice" and dabi hums
"Do you like anyone?" And toga giggles
"Yea" he says and toga asks a lot of questions who she is Burt dabi ignores her
"Toga shut up or i will burn you" dabi says giving her a death glare
"Awww fine mr grumpy!" She says and it comes to me

"Y/n" toga says with a smirk
"dare" i say under my voice
"OoOoOOooo brave is see , i dare you to........kiss dabi!" Toga says giggling
"What! No " i answer back , did she just say that ?
"Oh come on just do it we wont look" she says still giggling and i look back at dabi who seems perfectly fine with it ,HOW IS HE SO CLAM ABOUT THIS!!! Doesn't he like someone anyways!
"Come on girlie i dont bite" dabi said which caused toga to laugh more
And dabi got closer to me and stood up and he lent a hand out to me and i got up with his help and toga seemed so proud of what she had done, and i quickly took a quick deep breath until my eyes locked with dabi's, he leaned in closer as i did the same and before I know it hi lips crashed onto mine softly this time and i kissed him back but he was very hesitant of letting go, at that moment it was like it was only me and dabi in the room , he softly licks my lip for entrance which i give him and seconds later we are exploring ever square inch in each overs mouth until i hear toga "ooOooOOO" and i pull away and see that dabi and i have a slightly swollen lips and he just gives toga a glare and looks back at me and i just sit back down and toga giggles and after a few more rounds the time is getting a little late so i go up to dabi
"Hey its getting a little late you can stay here but I'm gonna get going" i tell dabi
"It's fine its getting boring il come with you" he said as he pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning at
"Toga we're leaving now alright" dabi says which causes toga to stop the conversation she had with twice
"Awww fine but you better bring her again" she said as she smiles and i said bye and then me and dabi left the house.

The streets were cold but there wasn't a single car nor person expects me and dabi on the streets which seemed kind of odd but cool too so on the way back there was a comfortable silent which i like because i genuinely enjoyed walking at nights like this and i look back to see dabi lighting his cigarette with his blue flames , i started to realise how much he smoked easily, it was kind of concerning.
"Why do you smoke so much" I ask him as we carried on walking
"It helps me to cope with my stress" he says in a low voice
'Right but it kills you" i say back
"I don't have a purpose in life so it's helping me if it kills me" he said which made my heart skip a beat for a second as i realised what it would be like without dabi in my life
"No dont say that you have a purpose, your a good person, you helped me from being abandoned on the streets to being your roommate,you helped me in ways no one else has" i say which caused him to stop
"Is that the only reason you like me for? Because I helped you ?" He asks which breaks me i didn't mean it like that , he understood wrong
"N-n-no thats not what I ment....i mean it like you have a meaning , your nice, generous, and extremely kind to me ,, i don't want to lose you dabi..." i argued back which caused me to be in shock i never thought i would say those words , not face to face at least....shortly i also realised dabi was shocked in fact i saw a little blush on his face which i had never seen before like that
"Doll face.." he says breaking the silence and i give a "hm?" In a response
"Do you like me ?" He says
"Yea of course your a great friend-" i got cut off without being able to finish my sentence by dabi
"Dont play dumb, you know what I mean" he says and he stopped walking and i looked back with a blush....is it that obvious..
"I...I mean..."i didn't know what to say, it was like all the words i knew were gone and I couldn't say a single damn word....
"It's alright u don't need to answer right now" dabi said with a bit of a weird tone in his voice ....
I did not know what i was supposed to do or say at that exact moment so i thought the best thing to do was to shut up and stay silent till we get back to our apartment.

When we got back to our apartment none of us said anything until we were about to get to our own room , i felt like saying something but i knew i would of embarrassed myself again so I couldn't really say anything but then dabi spoke finally
"Good night doll" he said softly

Also guys don't forget to vote!(press the star) i haven't had my first vote yet but if you guys would vote it would mean the absolute world to me!!

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