Chapter 3

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Tayuya pov-

"So, when will we be arriving at that fucking prison Orochimaru assigned to that Bitch Guren?"
I said suddenly.

"Tayuya, It is very improper and unladylike to use such profanities." Jirobo said calmly back.

"Yea yea, whatever."

"Your one of the sound 4, and Orochimaru's henchman. And your giving a lecture about profanities!?" Kidomaru said in disbelief.

"Why are you surprised? The fatso does this every time Tayuya cusses." Sakon sneered.

The group paused for a moment.

"So, how do you 'sound 4' define yourselves?"
Kabuto asked, breaking the silence.

(author intervene)

Genjutsu- 5
Ninjutsu- 3
Taijutsu- 4

Jirobo: Earth style
Genjutsu- 1
Ninjutsu- 3
Taijutsu- 4

Genjutsu- 1
Ninjutsu- 5
Taijutsu- 3

Genjutsu- 2
Ninjutsu- 5
Taijutsu- 3

(Back to story)

I inwardly sighed.
Kabuto didn't realize what he had started.

–2 hours later–

Kabuto looked awkward seeing the group still arguing over who is the strongest.
I looked over at him and noticed how uneasy he was.

"As a conclusion to the argument," Jirobo said quietly.

"what did you say fatso?"
I slapped Kidomaru across the face. It was well deserved in my opinion.

"Basically, I'm the genjutsu user, me and Jirobo are tied in Taijutsu. I'm like the kick and Jirobo is the punch.
However," I looked over apologeticly at Jirobo,
"He is the weakest out of all of us. Kidomaru is the most intelligent when it comes to battle tactics, and him and Sakon are tied in Taijutsu and ninjutsu but Kidomaru is slightly stronger in genjutsu but he rarely uses it since it's not his strong point. Overall,  Kidomaru is the strongest, but I am second strongest because of my genjutsu, Sakon is 3rd strongest, and Jirobo is 4th strongest.
However, out of all of us, Kimimaro Kaguya, who is considered what makes us the sound 5, is the leader and strongest."
I hesitated.
"Quite the essay isn't it?" I laughed.

Sakon looked a little bitter and sulked in the back of the group but didn't disagree.

"Reminds me, aren't we approaching the prison?"

Kabuto pov-

I looked up and realized what she was saying.

"Yup, we should approach in full view. Guren is likely to be on her defense. She's been trying to prove she's worthy of being Lord Orochimaru's top pawn since he sent her to the hell hole."

"Sounds like a plan." The sound 4 said in unison.

We walked forward between the towering cliffs that surrounded the path forward. Jirobo suddenly stopped and tensed, before creating an earth barrier overhead.

We soon realized why.
On cue, Guren had sent massive crystal pillars smashing down,  disrupting the earth underneath sending boulders flying and  scattering the group as they dodged the flurry of cascading crystal splinters raining down.

"QUITE THE WARM WELCOME GUREN!" I yelled over the shattering sound of crystal meeting kunai.

"Kabuto. Orochimaru's left hand man hmm?"

"Nice little fairytale theme you have going on here." Tayuya exclaimed waving her arm at the crystals which had been reduced to sparkling dust. Sakon was visibly trying to hide a smirk as Kidomaru let out a loud laugh at Tayuya's comment.

Guren shot them an extremely dirty look as she spoke directly to Kabuto.

"I suppose the only reason your here is to talk business."
She sighed.

"You've always been right on cue Guren."

We leaned over the railing at the top of the circular prison, watching the prisoners uproar as we looked down on them.

"filthy things they are,"
Guren commented.

I told Guren about Orochimaru's request and the boy Yukimaru.
She frowned.

"I thought he had forgotten me for good, but doesn't he have that Uchiha boy? Why does he need me?"

"How does it feel to be thrown away by someone you prized before yourself?" I said slyly.
I knew how to touch a nerve and it certainly touched hers.

Before I knew it I was encased in a crystal, only my head free.

"Say that again." She dared me, slowly clenching her fist as I felt the crystal tighten around me.

"Careful now Guren, you wouldn't want to kill Orochimaru's 'left hand man' now would you? Imagine what Orochimaru would do."

She released her crystal but narrowed her eyes at me.

"Fine then."
She turned to the massive prison before yelling and releasing the prisoners to fight till death.

The fight had finished. It had tooken and entire hour till the remaining prisoners were called up.

Guren told them about how Orochimaru was selecting one of them to come work for him. Droning on and on about how this was a privilege and her word was their law.

We finally got going back to the hideout.
Although I had to conceal a laugh when the past prisoners tried to revolt on Guren.

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