Chapter One

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It was a normal Thursday morning, the sun was trying to shine through the clouds, but wasn't getting far as most of new york were upset because of the death of Y/n. No one ever knew her last name, most didn't even think she knew it herself. Loki being Loki decided to go into her room as something didn't seem right about her death. Loki found a note and ran downstairs with it and told everyone that he found it in your room. Keep in mind two days after she passed away Tony told everyone not to go ratching. "Um.. guys I think I found a letter that Y/n wrote before she passed away," Loki said with a tear in his eye and kinda wished he never went into her room. Nat was a bit pissed off that Loki went into y/n room but then ended up saying "What?" Loki then doesn't answer and starts to unfold the letter.

*The Letter*

Four years later, I am more grateful for more things I could ever imagine,

But mostly for the people who were by my side through all of it,

Some people are lucky enough to have a best friend but I'm even luckier,

I got the avengers <3

To the avengers, if you reading this then I love every one of yous equally, and also if you are reading this that also means I'm no longer here so if you are crying right now I want you to stop cause I don't want you to be. So you are all going to get nicely dressed and have a party and if anyone asks why you are having a party you tell them that I told you to, okay and don't forget I'm always watching over you. I love you <3.

Everyone starts crying trying not to after Y/n said not to. Tony decides to listen to Y/n letter and starts to plan a party to get everyone's mind off her death. "Right we going to have to listen to Y/n and throw a party tonight so every go start getting ready." Everyone does what he says for a change. So everyone starts to get freshened up and starts to clean so the guest doesn't think a bomb went off, as no one had to energy to. It was about 7 p.m. now and everyone started to arrive. Nat was wearing this beautiful red dress, she only wore it though because it was Y/n's favourite. At this time everyone that tony invited was here except one. Steve Rogers the Ex of Y/n. Y/n and Steve had been together three years before Y/n passed. Every day about 10 times Steve would go into Y/n room as if she was still there and just sit and look through their old pictures. No one knew Steve did that, as everyone just thought he kept going out for runs to clear his head.

Steve finally decides to join the party hoping no one notices he's just come in but of course, Loki does. "why have you just come in now." Loki says know that he's just been in Y/n room as he left his jumper there earlier when he went in that last night. "I was at the bathroom." steve then replies hoping that Loki doesn't know where he was."recognise this" Loki then says holding up steves jumper. He doesn't say anything just snatches the jumper before walking away.

A few hours pass and everyone starts heading home. Nat and steve are talking. "You miss her don't you." nat says trying not to cry. He just looks at nat with a tear In his eyes, "Every minute of every day." He walks off as if he is going to bed but goes to your bedroom instead but before he goes in he sees someone standing there and goes to walk off. "Not going to come to say hi to me." the mysterious person says. Steve then walks into the room to find out who it is. "how are you here, wait for Y/n? is that you." "I'm not here I'm just a memory okay don't get upset ill always be in your heart." Steve just stands there crying, trying to make sure no one hears him. "I'm going to have to go steve but I promise ill be back very soon, I love you." steve then starts crying more. "No please y/n don't go I need you." He just stands there as he watches you disappear. 

Loki, who is standing at the door the whole time trying not to say anything but does anyway. "You saw her to didn't you." Steve turns around wiping the tears away. " Yes, wait how long have you been standing there." " Don't be mad but I followed you when you left so the whole time." Steve doesn't answer and just heads to bed, as for Loki he walks into Y/n and shut the door after himself. "Ahh, Y/n why did you tell your own ex that you just a memory when you knew fine well I could see you too." No one answers so he leaves the room and heads to bed before anyone that was still awake notices him.

Meanwhile downstairs. Tony was drunk, dancing like a lunatic,  but at least he wasn't crying like most of the Avengers were. Pepper then comes into the room, " Cmon Tony it's time for bed." Tony just laughed and headed to bed with Pepper. Nat, Thor and Clint were all still up just talking, about all their favourite memories. It was Nat's turn to say her favourite memory so she held back to tears while saying "My favourite memory, I've got a lot but I think my favourite was the time when we all went to the beach and we all went on the skis, especially when Y/n got chucked into the water about 50 million times, that was really funny." They all started laughing until Thor said. "To be honest I remember that day like it was yesterday, I think if Y/n were still here we would have needed to do it all again." Everyone goes quiet. "Ye that would have been loads of fun to do that again." Clint then says so it isn't too awkward.  

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