Chapter Two

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The next day.

Friday, just another day but this time the sun was able to shine through the clouds. Everyone was up and was all downstairs having breakfast. "Tony you know it's been a week since Y/n died I think it's time for a funeral."  Nat then says trying to start a conversation. Everyone else thinks the same. Tony then decides to start planning the funeral as he was going to plan it the day after Y/n died but wasn't ready to let her go, but at the same time, he was hoping he never had to let go of her as she was like a daughter to Tony. A few hours later, Tony hasn't got anything planned as he thought the longer he took to plan it the longer he would still have Y/n. Thor comes into the room. "you know tony, I know you're not ready to let her go but it's time, but don't worry you are not alone as none of us wants to let her go." Tony just looks at Thor with tears in his eyes. "cmon I will help you get through this, we'll get through this together." So tony and thor start planning. 

A few hours later.  The planning is done. "so the funeral is tomorrow and everyone close to Y/n is invited, but we will get security so no one that wasn't invited gets in" thor then said. Tony just looks at thor trying not to cry. "Thor I don't think I'm ready to let her go yet" Thor starts to tear up. "Ye I know, no of us are but we are going to have to." They go downstairs and tell everyone what's going on. Steve leaves and goes to y/n's room for probably the last time. He just sits on the bed crying, looking through all y/n and his old photos. "I'm not ready to let go of you Y/n," he says while the tears fall down his cheek. "I'm sorry steve but one day we will meet again, where ever it is, but I can't stay much longer, most of my family are up there, so you're going to have to let me go." the "ghost" of y/n says. Steve just sobbed for hours before heading back to his room.

The next morning, everyone was getting ready for the funeral. Bucky goes to y/n's room, for the first and the last time. He stands in the doorway holding back to tears, before heading back downstairs. Just before everyone was about to leave Tony says something. " just want everyone to know, *he stops to think* don't cry please I'm not good with that" Everyone who was already in tears just giggled. 

Everyone arrived at the funeral venue, saying their last words. "I'm not ready to let go of you y/n, but I want you to know that you are like a daughter to me, and I miss you very much," Tony said while the tears dropped down his cheek. Suddenly, Wanda started to hear someone walking towards where everyone else was."wow really think I could die that easily, pathetic." The person said. Everyone turns and looks at this person. Tony says as the tears dry up"But you died, we watched you die,y/n." "well surprise I'm not.* Y/n says while disappearing in a puff of smoke.

They all stood in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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